6 SEPTEMBER 1930, Page 18

Mr. J. E. Woolacott, a former correspondent of the Times

in Simla, has written a very fair and able summary of present conditions in India in India—the Truth (Philip Allan, 2s.). If the facts and figures here given in such convenient compass were studied in India as well as in this country some of the claims put forward by extremist politicians would surely be modified. This is not to say that Mr. Woolacott is" reac- tionary" or desires any curtailment of what is possible in helping our fellow-subjects along the path of self-government. But he states the facts, and will be abused for doing so in certain quarters, no doubt, where the desire is to keep the discussion of India's future in the realm of abstractions. In others, his work will be warmly appreciated as being a real contribution to a better understanding between East and
