6 SEPTEMBER 1930, Page 2


The latest. outburst of terrorism in Bengal has been very serious. On Friday, August 29th, Mr. F. J. Lowman, Inspector General of Police for Bengal, and Mr. Eric Hodson, Superintendent of Police at Dacca, were shot outside the Mitford Hospital at Dacca. Mr. Lowman afterwards died, but it is hoped that Mr. Hodson will recover. The assassin is thought to be a Bengali student—at all events he escaped into the local students' hostel. When the hostel was searched, however, he conld not be found. At a meeting attended by men of all races at the Calcutta Town Hall on the same day, unanimous resolutions were passed congratulating Sir Charles Tegart, the Police Commissioner, on his recent escape from assassination and condemning terrorism. A former Hindu Minister and a former Moslem Minister both declared that violence was bound to retard the constitutional advance of India. On Monday there were strong rumours that the peace conversations which Sir Tej Bahadur Sapro and Mr. Jayakar have been conducting with the Pandits Motilal and Jawaharlal Nehru and Mr. Gandhi had broken down, but the latest information, when we write, is that there is no breakdown, though

not much hope. * * * *