6 SEPTEMBER 1946, Page 14

Sm,—It was time that someone wrote as Commander Stephen King-

Hall did in your last issue on the importance of letting the world know the British point of view. There is another aspect of the question, however, that he does not seem to have touched on, namely, the im- portance of not allowing a single public statement about us that is inaccurate or false to pass without an instant and vigorous rejoinder setting forth the facts. There is i certain organisation which, in its early days, aroused a vast amount of adverse and uninformed criticism, and which had the good sense to appoint persons well acquainted with the facts to reply at once to any inaccurate or false statements concern- ing it appearing in the Press. In its early days such criticisms were legion, but the persistent correction of them has in course of time reduced them to very small proportions. What this organisation has done our Government can do, and they should be urged to do it without delay.

Britons, in their unimaginative way, are apt to think that it matters little what foreigners may say or think about this country. On the contrary, it matters very much indeed—as Britons abroad, our mer- chants engaged in foreign trade and our statesmen do not take long to discover. It is for the Government to recognise this and to act both quickly and thoroughly. No false or inaccurate statement should be allowed to pass without a rejoinder. Editors and speakers will soon become chary of making statements about this country which cannot be substantiated. Magna est veritas et prevafebit.—Yours faithfully, G. H.