7 APRIL 1832, Page 9


The Speaker's last Parliamentary levee for the present session will be held this day.

The banquets at Apsley House have been recently very select ; con-

sisting merely of his Grace's late colleagues in office, mind a few members of the Upper House.

Lord Holland has taken a house in Old Burlington Street, to reside in during the session of Parliament. His Lordship has recently com- menced his dinners for the season : since his late severe attack of gout, he has enjoyed an improved state of health.

Earl Mulgrave will go out in the Conway, Captain Eden, which vessel has been ordered to be fitted at Chatham for his reception. Sir Frederick Adam is appointed Governor of Fort St. George.

The Lord and Lady Mayoress gave an entertaimnent on Wednesday, at the Mansionhouse, to a select party, amongst whom were several .distinguished members of the Bar and the mercantile interest. • .7.1he meMbers and friends of the Drury Lane Theatrical Fund dined together on Friday, at the Freemasons"favern. About two hundred gentlemen sat down to table, and the galleries were crowded with fashionable and elegantly dressed ladies. Amongst the company were —the Earl of Mulgravc, Admiral Sir Edward Codrington, Lord Glengall, Sir T. H. Farquhar, and several other noblemen and gentlemen. It was expected that the Duke of Sussex would take the chair, but bis Royal Highness's indisposition prevented him. It was very worthily filled by Lord Mulgrave. The entire subscriptions amounted to about 1,100/.

The Duke of Gloucester is said to have remarked with great sim- plicity, on bearing of the intended abolition of corporal punishment in

the Army, that " he certainly should give the project his support, as he had always thought it hard military flogging should be made to fall only Oh the corporals."—Figaro in London.

The story of the Prince Czartorynski having been treated with rudeness by the Countess of Jersey, is contradicted on the best au- thority—that of the Prince himself.

Lord Henry Vane (son of the Marquis of Cleveland), attache' of the English Embassy at Paris, was attacked with cholera—another account says spasm—on Tuesday last week, but was out of danger on Wed- nesday.

Letters have been received from Sir Walter Scott from Naples, dated the 5th March. Sir Walter is in perfect health and spirits, and greatly delighted with the beautiful country where he is at present residing.

He was about to undertake an excursion to the Ionian Isles, to visit Sir P. Adam.Ca/edonian Mercury.

Gorram—This celebrated old man has at last departed from the stage where he so long held the chief rae. He expired at Weimar,

which has for many years derived its lustre from Ins presence. One of the Frankfort journals, in noticing his death, says-

" After the bodily pain which he 'rid previously felt ai times had left him, he fen. the night beibre his death, into a slumber, during which his Mind seemed to be cheered by pleasing visions.. This continued till the morning, when, in the full 1■0.56CSSiUll of his faculties, he conversed cheerfully with his daughter in-law. grand-children, and friends. About ten o'clock, he drank a glass of wine,:and then continued to move his band in the air:as if writing or drawing, still as it were embodying the creations of his fancy ; till, growing weaker and weaker, his hand dropped on his knee, where it continued to move as in the act of writing, till the angel of death summoned him away."

Another journal adds-

" During the last two years, and particularly since the death of his son, the spirit of Goethe 10::t its ener.,,:•v, and he was hut the shadow of that which he once bad been. To his daughter-indaw he Was j ndobted fiir that tenderuess and assiduity which soothed 116 declining years. Ile retained his faculties to the list. Though more than eighty years of age, he still meditated literary projects, and talked of completing his Faun, and of executing other elaborate works, with as much confidence as if he was itt the vigour or his youth and genius. Few men, in the walk where Goethe shone so con- spicuously. enjoyed more hapOness than he did. His supeii, a it y ito one attempted to dispute. lie maintained a tramptil empire over the Mond lac or his country, which was implicitly acquiesced in by every candidate for literary fame. In ids intercourse with thit.world. Goethe acted as a man of practical good sense : his enthusiasm and roman- ticism.he reserved entirely for his productions. He lived to see. his name universally worshiPped ; and upon Webnar, the place of his residence, lie has conferred an undying interest. The death of Goethe cannot be regarded as an event of importance merely to the literary world ; it marks distinctly the termination of one :era, and the commence- ment nr. anothor. Ile expires with the literary age of his country, at the instant almost when its political existence begins."

His remains were to be deposited, on the 26th, in the vault of the Grand Ducal family, where Schiller also reposes.

M. Martignae, the celebrated barrister, Minister, and Deputy, died in Paris on Tuesday last.

An English gentleman of the name of Newenham, who resided at Outreau ( Pas de Calais), took it into his head to make his coffin. His work employed him a fortnight. Pleased with having performed his task better than he bad expected, Mr. Newenham displayed it with the greatest triumph to his friends. Two days afterwards, death suddenly made him the tenant of his new work.—Galiynani's Messenger.

Several rabbits, the property of a gentleman residing in the vicinity of Homey, have been during the last week attacked with excessive purging; so much so, that in the short space of half an hour they have died, apparently in the greatest agony.—Globe.

"Right protect" was the exclamation which gave so much alarm to the officious. blue devil who intruded into a private apartment in the Minories. Do the policemen imagine that the protection of his rights will not be permitted to an Englishman ?—Figaro in London. PURITY OF ELECTION.—The Reverend W. B. Clarke has resigned the contest for Ipswich Grammar School, in consequence of the heavy expense of bringing up the voters.—Suffolk Herald. The cost of each prisoner in the Milbank Penitentiary is 56l. per annum; that of prisoners in most other gaols about 38/. per annum ; while, in the County of Suirry, an agricultural labourer on 10s. a week (or 26/. per annum) is expected to maintain himself, his wife, and three

children.—Herahl. [The agricultural labourer, his wife, and three children, don't require a watching apparatus—at least they did not till Swing came among us.] The income of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society during the last year amounted to the sum of 48,289/. 13s.

The expenses of the St. Simonians for the month of February were nearly 140,000 francs. Among them we observe a sum of 500 francs for the expense of a mission to England.—Literary Gazette.

The Supreme Court of the United States has reversed the judgment of the Court of Georgia, by which the Reverend Mr. Worcester and

Dr. Butler, missionaries among the Cherokees, have been for months confined in the Penitentiary of that state. By this decision, the Indian tribes are recognized as independent where they have not ceded their possessions.

The day before yesterday (Friday last week) the police seized at the apartment of a man residing in the Passage Lemoine, Fauxbourg St. Denis, six hundred medals with the effigy of Henry the Fifth, in cop- per and bronze, together with the moulds, scales, and other implements for coining.—Galiyaani's Messenger.

Dr. Foster calculates that a comet will appear on the 8th of May, and another on the 27th of November next.

Dr. Buller, of Hamburg, is said to have invented a surgical instru- ment, with which a diseased leg may be amputated in less than a second. The pressure exercised so completely benumbs the part, that the patient suffers little or nothing under the operation.

By a new process, discovered at Brussels, the whole of the letter- press upon a printed sheet may be transferred to a lithographic stone, in less than half an hour. By means of a liquid, the letters transferred to the stone are brought out in relief within the space of another hour ; and then, with the usual application of the ordinary printing-ink, 1,500 or 2,000 copies may be drawn off, resembling in all respects the original typography. M. Mecus Vandermaelen has solicited a patent for this discovery. A first application of the discovery has been made by him upon the Gazette des nibunaux, which is to appear at Brussels under a new title.

The Cincinnati Gazette, speaking of the late floods in the valley of the Ohio, says, " It is ascertained that there has been plundering to a con- siderable extent in the deserted houses. Some wretches detected in attempts of this character, or in their actual perpetration, have been committed to prison." The Gazette is not deeply skilled in economics : it adds—" Other doings little less dishonourable are tolerated. There is a prospect of a scarcity of provisions, especially the article of flour. The holders have advanced the prices. Before the rise, flour in store was 5 dollars to 5 dollars 25 cents per barrel. It is now 6 dollars 50 cents to 7 dollars, mid on the rise. This is individual speculation upon a common public calamity, a visitation of Providence upon a whole country." A letter of February 21st says—" An infant alive in its cradle, was taken up opposite Cincinnati ; and a few days after, its mother, hearing of one being picked up, came and claimed her child. Three children were taken out of a house that was going down the current; and a large house, with several men and women in the garret, went nest the city. Whether they have been saved or not, I have not heard." The writer adds—" The cold has come back to-day, and the river in the streets and houses is frozen. Coals have been three- quarters of a dollar per bushel ; wood, ten dollars a cord. Such cold I never felt, except the cold Tuesday in New York about five years ago. What the Lord intends to do with us I know not. His hand is evi- dently at work among the nations of the earth." [What a strange mixture these moralizings present ! There is ice in February—coals are op a dollar a bushel—wood costs ten dollars a cord—the letterwriter has not felt so cold for five years—eryo, the hand of Omnipotence is evidently at work, enhancing the price of fuel, and nipping the fingers of paragraph-mongers !] The late earthquakes in Italy seem to have been more serious than was at first imagined. The Naples journal of the 17th ult. states that at Catanzaro, the royal library, the governor's palace, the hospital, the prison, and a great number of private houses were seriously damaged, although most happily the number of lives lost was very inconsiderable. The Diario di Roma of the 21st ult, contains a letter from Assissi, dated the 15th, stating, that in addition to the other damage done by the earthquake on the preceding night, the magnificent church of Santa Maria degli Angel was entirely reduced to ruins. At Reggio the number of chimnies thrown down amount to above 2,000. Every house has been more or less damaged, and a great number are rendered unin- habitable. The church of St. Peter is reduced to a heap of ruins ; the steeple of the Cathedral must be demolished to its foundation, and not a single public building remains uninjured. At Modena many houses were injured, and such was the terror of the inhabitants that many of them spent several nights in the open air. The Ducal Palace was violently shaken, and the Duke is still so much alarmed, that he passes the night in his carriage in the middle of his gardens.

On the 22d February, while the salutes were being fired at Erie, Pennsylvania, a nes:Jo attempted to exhibit some silly feats of agility, in passing before the mouth of a six-pounder, after the order was given to fire. He had been repeatedly admonished to keep away, but to little purpose. When preparations were made for firing the evening salute, he stationed himself near the muzzle of the gun, boasting that he could pass it between the flash and explosion. A person standing near him caught his coat to hold him, but as the order was given to fire, he made a spring, broke loose from his hold, and was before the mouth of the gun just as it went off. His body was literally cut in two, the legs and about six inches of the chest remaining together. The upper part, con- sisting of the head, arms, and breast, was thrown in the air, and struck the ground about thirty feet from the other portion.—New York Paper.

A celebrated oculist, after performing the operation of couching an tild woman, inquired if she could read a book of a certain sized print, to which she replied in the negative ; another coat of film was to be displaced ; when, just as the operator was about to resume, she cried with admirable naivete, " Mayhap it be Sir, 'cause I never larnt, I be imo scholard."— Times, after Joe Miller.

SHIPPING.—From accounts laid before Parliament, of the number of vessels, with their tonnage, that have been built and registered in, and

that have belonged to the different ports of the United Kingdom during the last eighteen years (from 1814 to 1831 inclusive), it appears that during the first nine years of that period, the average tonnage of vessels built and registered arnounted to 99,033 5-9ths tons ; and that during the second nine years, it amounted to 142,379 7-9ths ; the average tonnage of N'es- sels belonging to ports in the United Kingdom amounted during the same periods to 2,648,00 1-9th tons and 2,485,016 3-9ths tons respec- tively. There has been, in consequence, an average increase of vessels built during the last nine years of 43,046 2-9ths tons, and an average decrease of vessels owned of 163,413 7-9ths tons.

On the 17th instant, a Countess de Botderic was arrested at her country-seat, near Auray, and conveyed to L'Orient. The Countess is a well-known agent of the Legitimatists, and has long been the sup- port of the Chouans of Morbilian ; and had but recently taken upon herself the distributing of medals and money with the effigy of Henry the Fifth. ,

From Sze-chuen we hear that thirty-three vagabond lawyers, who stir up litigations, have been taken into custody, and are forthwith to be punished.—canton Register. [These are, probably, lawyers on . circuit.] The Warsaw Gazette states that a shepherd, named Demetrius Gra.. bousky, died recently at Potorski, on the frontiers of Lithuania, at the age of 169 years.

COUNT ORLOFF AND THE Grasr.—A ludicrous story is going about the town respecting the long looked for Count Orloff, which we merely give with- out vouching fur its correctness. The Count is of gigantic dimensions, both in bulk aud height. Mr. 11., one of those very kiud gentlemen who import all manner of living curiosities for exhibition at the theatres, or as they term it, " cater for the public amusement," was, about the time of the Count's arrival, expecting by the steam-boat an enormous giant, whom he had engaged for Drury Lane. The exhibitor was as anxious for the arrival of his fine animal as were the diplomatists and stock-jobbers for that of the Count ; ha pock a boat and met the steamer in the river. Arrived on deck, he soon espied what he thought must be his bing-,-expeeted lion in the person of the Count. With eager eye did the theatrical diplomatist survey his ponderous bulk with some little dis- appointnient at finding hi iii under seven feet ; but having good reason for knowing that realities do not.keep 'Nice with descriptions, he did not much care. Already bad be settled in his mind what he should be caPed—The Great Ogre of the North—born on Mount Caucasus—the last of his race—determined to travel in search of a wife—here's a bit for the ladies—it must pay. The exhibitor soon introduced himself to the Count, who received hint with much politeness, but a due degree of diplomatic reserve, which the other perceiving, soon let him know his consequence, and that every thing was pretty well understood between them, and that he came from the very fountain-head of afiliirs—in fact, that he was their accredited negotiator, and that they had held a conference yesterday. " What! without me?" said the Count. " Oh yes; and I have brought the articles for your signature, and we must bind you to them at once." " I shall do nothing," said the Count, "till I see the Prussian Ambassador." " Pooh," said B., "we can pay you better than he can, so sign the articles." " What, the whole twenty-four " I have not counted them," says B., " but you must sign—I wish you had more beard—we must shut up Wilson_, be walks about so for nothing." " How is Sir Robert ?" said the Count ; " he is getting stale now, I suppose ?" Why., yes—Wilson has made himself too cheap; even the little boys don't look at him now—we could have done some- thing with him, though, if lie could have been prevailed on to engage." " He was too independent, I suppose ?" "Exactly so," said B., "holds his head high—a gentleman—and that will never do in our line at no price, will it ?" Rather free, thought the Count. "By the by," said B., "what name do you travel under ?" " Oh, my own, to be sure—Orloff." " Pooh, that will never do, the people can pronounce it—we must have twenty consonants and no vowel ; however, we can settle that at the first conference. I think you speak English too well ; you had better avoid it altogether; you'll lose half your con- sequence. There's the Tower, so good bye; we had better not be seen too much together; you sign the Articles to-morrow. Mind mum's the word—no tam- pering with the other House." "You have but two Houses by your.Constitu- tion, I believe?" " No, only two majors, but lots of minors." "I thought the Proclamation put down those minors." "No, they are too strong for us—this Reform is playing the deuce with us ; our funds are getting low, but your arrival will put us all right again." " Adieu!" said the Count ; "shall I bring the protocols?" " What are those?" " Why, our weapons, to be sure." "Oh, aye, bring them by all ineans—the more humbug the better. Adieu!" Judge of B.'s surprise, when he saw the Count handed with much state into the Rus- sian Ambassador's carriage. "Orloff! Orloff! Why that's the man the Papers have been boring us about; instead of a giant I have only found a Pleuipo—it is all off; indeed !" The Count laughed heartily when the mistake WaS explained, anti related it with good humour at Prince Talleyrand's dinner last week.— True Sun.


Oft over my tea and toast When I a speech have sported,

I take the Morning Post To see how it's reported.

The frequent " .Hears," "Continued cheers," The witty things ne'er spoken; The " Oh's ! " left out, And nought about The coughs with which 'twas broken.

Mr. and Mrs. Wood and Mr. H. gagements at Drury Lane Theatre, of their salaries.—Globe.

When I behold it all, In columns neat and taper, Precisely made to fall

By Brougham's in the paper,

I feel like one Who's really done

A thing too bright to sully;

And dream with head As thick as lead, That I'm the modern Tully.

Figaro in London.

Phillips have thrown up their en- rather than submit to any reduction