7 APRIL 1832, Page 12

Mr. GREATOREX'S L1BRARY. — Mr. Greatorex's Library was sold by auction during

the past week. It had, evidently, received very few additions during the last twenty years, mid was rich only in the works of some Old Masters. The chief attraction of the sale was a bookcase, formerly in the possession of Handel, containing an imperfect set of his works, in the handwriting of his amanuensis, Smith. It was bought by the Dean of Westminster, for 115 guineas. For the information of collectors, we subjoin the prices of a few of the lots : and it will be seen that some works sold far beyond, and others much below their intrinsic value- mareena's Psalms (Venice, 1724) £3 0 0 Ditto, with English words by Garth 7 7 0 Sheitani's Ducts, 6 vols. (MS.) 3 6 0 (lair's Twelve Canticles (Ms.by Garth) ,, 1 10 0 Purcell's Operas (MS.) 4 vols. (bought by Dragonetti) 3 13 6 A very tine copy of the Orpheus Britannicus (bought by Mr. W Utley) 4 12 0 Boyce's Cat hedral Music, LT 6 16 6 Arnold's ditto. L.1' 11 1 6 Warren's Collection of Glees, Sce. 32 Vols.—in his own hand- writing 19 8 6 Mea's To Ileum (MS.) 1 0 0 Collection of Madrigals, 13 vols. 113 0 The Music bequeathed by the Pretender to Mr. Greatorex consisted chiefly of Operas by Galuppi, Vinci, and other middling composers ; and although they sold for very little money, they were really worth less.

MAntattEv's BANautyPrev.—A second meeting of Mr. Maberley's creditors took place . yesterday, for the further proof of debts ; when Mr. Maberley entered into an explanation of the various branches of business in which lie had been engaged in partnership, and by himself. The statement was admitted to be in every respect satisfactory. The next examination is to be on the 19th.