7 APRIL 1832, Page 7


An address, most respectably signed by the freeholders of Dorset- shire, with Sir William Oglander at the bead, has been presented to.

Mr. Ponsonby, calling on him, in the event of Mr. Portman's retire- ment, to come forward as a candidate for the county in his place. Mr. Ponsonby's answer contains the expression of his hope that Mr. Port- man inny nct resign.

The Charles Street lords and gentlemen have, after many painful and reluctant throes, produced the needful for discharging the expenses of Lord Ashley's election. Advertisements have been inserted in the county papers, calling upon the creditors to send in their accounts.

Mr. W. M. Pmed has been appointed Recorder of Barnstaple and. South Molton, Devon.

It hits been determined to build a new gaol at Colchester, at an ex- pense of 8,0001.

A bill has passed for opeuing a new line of road between Windsor and Reading. It will shorten the distance nearly three miles.

The Bristol Compensation Bill provides for the appointment of commissioners at ward meetings, and from amongst the rate-payers, &c. ; the said commissioners to ascertain the extent of damages by juries and otherwise ; notice of damage to be given to commissioners, and also to the chief constable of the ward; the chief constable may appear and defend on the part of the inhabitants. It also provides, that the justices may borrow money on the credit of the county-rates, not exceeding the amount of the compensation and satisfaction assessed- The securities for money to be transferrable. The Bill is not to au- thorize any lands, &e., to be rated that are not now liable.

The manufacturers of Blackburn made a reduction in the price of weaving on Saturday night. -Blackburn Gazette.

The Vigilant revenue cruiser, Captain Gowland, delivered at the Customhouse, Rochester, on Wednesday, 104 half ankers of foreign spirits, being the carp of a Kentish smuggler.