7 APRIL 1838, Page 9

A Supplement to the Gazette of Tuesday contains a proclamation

"declaring her Majesty's pleasure touching her royal coronation and the solemnity thereof." The coronation is to take place on Tuesday the 26th of June ; and the Privy Council will sit at Whitehall on Saturday the 28th instant, and afterwards from time to time as occasion may require, to hear and decide upon the claims of individuals "to do and perform divers services" on the day of coronation.

The coronation, we lament to learn, is to be solemnized with maimed rites." There is to be no banquet. Should Ministers re- main so long in office, it is understood to be their intention to hasten the prorogation of Parliament as much as possible, in order that very soon after the coronation her Majesty may make a Royal progress be in Scotland and in Ireland.—Post.

It appears from uncontradieted statements in the Times, that the debts of the Dutchess of Kent to her tradesmen, most of which were of four years' standing, were unexpectedly discharged last week, to the amount of 63,0001. The checks with which payment was made had two signatures—one, that of Mr. James Parkinson, the Dutchess of Kent's solicitor ; the other, that of Lord Duncannon, written, on pur- pose apparently, in so illegible a hand as to be difficult to decipher.