7 APRIL 1849, Page 11


Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended 5th April 1848 and 1849, showing the Increase or Decrease thereof.


1848. 1849. Increase. Decrease.

£ £ £ £ Customs 17,960,275 19,129,829 1,169,554

Excise ... .

12,080,482 12,650,114 569,632

Stamps 6,760,932 6,041,356

719,381 Taxes 4,317,571 4,318,903

28,668 Property Tax 1,159,369 3,317,244

142,125 Post office 816,000 769,000

77,000 Crown Lands 61,000 100,000 39,000

Miscellaneous 148,610 143,851

4,939 Total Ordinary Revenue 17,684,269 48,490,092 1,778,186 972,363 China Money 455,221 84,264

370,737 Imprest and other Monies 187,a35 665,293 478,059

Repayments of Advances 473,616 427,761

45,855 Total Income 42,890,141 49,667,430 2,230,214


Deduct Decrease 1,388,933

Increase on the Year


QUARTERS ENDED 5th APRIL 1846. 1849. Increase. Decrease.

£ £ £ £ 4,193,650 4,593,119 2,15,169

2,022,601 1,820,575

182,026 1,618,688 1,549,171

69,497 143,902 148,101 4,199

2,041,640 2,011,519

30,121 232,000 234,000 18,000

21,000 40,000 19,000

56,307 99,792 42.465

10,497,768 10,495,277 279,153 281,644 455,021

455,021 24,452 204,361 179,909

74,138 87,648 13,510

11,051,379 10,787,286 472,572 136,566



Income and Charge on the Consolidated Fund, in the Quarters ended 5th April 1848 and 1849.


INCOME. 1818. 1849.

Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous China Money Imprest and other Monies ........... .........

Produce of the Sale of old Stores, ere. Repayments of Advances It 063;24

11,065,324 10,600.369 QUARTERS ENDED 5th Man

CHARGE. 1648. 1819.

Permanent Debt Terminable Annuities Interest on Exchequer Bills loaned to meet the Charge on the Con- solidated Fund Sinking Fund Civil List Other Charges on the Consolidated Fund For Advances


11,065,324 The The Surplus Revenue on January 5, 1849, after providing for the To which is to be added the Surplus of the Consolidated Fund, ae Charges on that Quarter, was above stated, in the present Quarter 669,543 The amount issued in the Quarter ended 5th April 1849, in part at The probable Amount of Exchequer Bills required to meet the Charge on the Consolidated Fund, Quarter ended 5th April 1819 the sums granted by Parliament out of the Consolidated Fund for Supply Services 4,704,02 Customs Excise


Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous.

Total Ordinary Revenue China Money Imprest and other Monies Repayments of Advances Total Income Deduct Increase Decrease on the Quarter To Cash brought to this Account to hr applied to tt.e payment of

DeficieneY Rills

Surplus £5,578,137

£1,392,650 2,016,546 1,618,668 143,902 2,011,640 231,000 21,000 56,107 455,021 24.452 71,13- 5


98,49- 2

380.399 149,059 £5,510,411 1,277,131 £4,593,119 1,833,678 1,549,171 148,101 2,011,519 234,000 40,000 95,792 28,018 176,343 87,648 10,800,390

10,500,359 3,337,9,2



806,028 04,767 110,657 165,554