7 APRIL 1849, Page 19


WAR-OFFICE, April 3.-34th Foot-Asaist.-Surg. G. W. Powell, from the let West India Regt. to be Assist: Sorg. vice D'Arcey, appointed to the 87th Foot. 435 Foot- Assist.-Surg. J. Madden, from 1st West India Regt. to be Assist.-Surg. vice Johnston, appointed to the 75th Foot. 44th Foot-Acting Assist.-Surg. J. C. Gray to be Assist; Burg. vice Pratt, appointed to the 62d Foot. 62d Foot-Lieut. E. Stanley, from the 87th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Gregorson, who exchanges ; Assist.-Surg. E. J. Pratt, from the 44th Foot, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Banon, appointed to the 87th Foot. 75th Foot- Major Peter De Lancey to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase ; Brevet Major A. Jardine to be Major, vice De Lancey ; Lieut. H. W. Goodwyn to be Capt. vice Jardine. To be Lieuts. without purchase-Lieut. W. J. J. Smith, from 35th Foot; Lieut. R. P. O'Shea, from the 69th Foot ; Lieut. A. S. Craig, from the 36th Foot ; Lieut. J. R. S. Fitzgerald, from the 736 Foot ; Lieut. IL Blakeney, from the 67th Foot ; Lieut. J. C- H. Parks, from the 44th Foot ; Ensign J. Nolan, from the 17th Foot ; Ensign C. G• Walsh, from the 28th Foot ; Ensign and Adjt. T. Mines ; Ensign R. Barter ; Ensign A. M. Jones; Ensign C. F. Barnett, vice Goodwyn. To be Ensigns-Ensign H. Cowell, from the 12th Foot, vice Barter ; C. Mitchell. Gent. vice Jones; O. De Lancey Gent. vice Barnett. To be Assist.-Surgs.-AssIst.-Surg. J. L. Johnston, from the 43d Foot ; Assist.-Surg. J. C. Martin, from the Royal Newfoundland Companies. 87th Foot-Major J. Campbell to he Lieut.-Col. without purchase; Brevet-Major H. B. Harvey to be Major, vice Campbell ; Lieut. W. E. Adams to be Capt. vice Harvey. To be First Lieuts. without purchase-Lieut. A. Waishe, from half-pay unatt. ; Lieut. H. Fitzgerald, from the 4th Foot ; Lieut. J. Hallowes, from the 4th Foot; Lieut. M. J. Gregorson, from the G2d Foot, to be Lieut. vice Stanley, who exchanges ; Lieut. 0. Fitzgerald, from the 86th Foot ; Ensign G. Wolfe, from the 9th Foot ; Sec. Lieut. A. P. O'Malley ; Sec. Lieut. E. B. Maunsell ; Sec. Lieu;. W. Wiltshire ; Sec. Lieut. W. Baldwin ; Sec. Lieut. II. J. Stephenson ; Sec. Lieut. G. N. Boldero, vice Adams. To be Sec. Lieuts.-Quartermaster R. Gibson, vice O'Malley ; Sec. Lieut. A. Steuart, from the Rifle Brigade, vice Maunsell ; Ensign R. Carter, from the 50th Foot, vice Wilt- shire; Ensign G. L. W. D. Flamstead, from the 56th Foot, vice Baldwin; F. H. Gee, vice Stephenson; C. E. Goddard, Gent. vice Boldero. To be Assist.-Surgs.- Assist.-Surg. R. G. D. Banon, from the 62d Foot ; Assist: Sorg. O'Connor D'Arcey, M.D. from the 34th Foot.

1st West India Regt.-Acting Assist.-Sorg. A. 3t•Arthur, M.D. to be Atmist.-Surg. vice Powell, appointed to the 34th Foot ; Acting Assist.-Surg. P. II. E. Cross to be Assist:Surg. vice Madden, appointed to the 43d Foot. Royal Newfoundland Companies-Acting Assist: Sorg. G. W. Spence, M.D. to be Assist.-Surg. vice Martin, appointed to the 75th Foot.

OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, April 4.-Royal Regt. of Ann.- Brevet Major R. Burn to be Lieut.-Col. vice Harrison, retired on full-pay ; Second Capt. P. H. Aloudy to be Capt. vice Bum; First Lieut. D. F. Russel to be Second Capt. vice Mundy ; Second Lieut. C.

B. Piers to be First Lieut. vice Russel.