7 APRIL 1855, Page 7



As the Conference at Vienna will reopen on Monday, it is interesting to know that the actors are all at their posts. The Turkish Plenipoten- tiary, Aali Effendi, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and M. Drouyn de Lhuya, reached Vienna yesterday. The Turkish Plenipotentiary is a man well versed in European languages and politics. It would seem, however, that his powers are not unlimited.

" It is understood," as the Horning Post writes, " that the Porte with the caution which has distinguished its diplomacy in the whole of the East- ern difficulty, has confided-to Aali Pasha powers only ad referendum.' That is, he can accept nothing definitive without referring to Constantinople for the special authorization of the Porte. This proceeding, however, only causes delay in the process of acceptation of terms, but not in the rupture of nego- tiations, if such be destined to be the result of the deliberations at Vienna."

The same organ informs us that the Russian party in Prussia is as pre- dominant as ever, and " continually urges the King to side more and more openly with ftneeia" ; and, the telegraph adds, "even contemplates an attempt at a treaty with Russia, in the event of the Congress of Vienna breaking up."

M. Drouyn de Lhnys has addressed a circular to the French repre- sentatives at the German Courts, in reply to the last Prussian circular which took the French Government to task for noticing the remarks of M. Bismark in the Diet. With great dignity, calmness, and point, M. Drouyn Lhuys contests the doctrine that no foreign power has a right to take notice of opinions expressed in the Diet, especially when those opinions are-strong enough to be heard beyond its walls. He also will not admit that France feels malevolence against Prussia, towards whom, he con- tends, that France has acted in a spirit of confidence and concord.

It would appear that General Wedell, while on his route back to Paris, "received counter-orders to repair immediately to Luxembourg, of which he is the Federal Governor. Colonel 011berg, who was attached to the Prussian mission, has left Paris."

The Vienna Frew and the Trieste Gazette state, on the authority of in- telligence from Bucharest, that "by express order from St. Petersburg the obstacles hitherto opposed by. the Russian authorities to the free navi- gation of the Lower Danube have .at length been completely and finally removed, so far as the vessels of neutral states are concerned."