7 APRIL 1860, Page 20


Mr. Anthony Trollope'a new novel, in three volumes which Messrs. Chapman and Hall have nearly ready for publication, is entitled "Castle Richmond," and treats of Ireland during the first visitation of the potato disease, about eleven or twelve years ago.

Professor Alexander of Baltimore has nearly ready for publication an etymological Dictionary of English Surnames, to be comprised in about a thousand 8vo. pages in double columns. A prospectus and specimen pages are now before us, and warrant the belief that the work will be executed with judgment and ability, and prove a valuable contribution to philology.

A new "Life of Milton," by Professor Masson • and "The Leading Personages and Events of Charles the First's Reign, the accession of Charles to the erection of the 'Royal Standard at Nottingham, August 25, 1642," by the Reverend John Marshall, are announced as forth- coming.

Messrs. Longman and Co. have nearly ready, a "Life of Sir Martin Archer Shee, President of the Royal Academy," by his son, Mr. M. A. Shee ; "Two Months in the Highlands, Orcadia, and Skye," by Mr. C. R. Weld; and "Reminiscences of an Old Sportsman," by Colonel J. P. Hamilton.

"Home Life of English Ladies in the Seventeenth Century," by the author of "Magdalen Stafford" ; and a new novel, called ` Pansies," by Mr. Fanshawe Brook, are preparing by Messrs. Bell and Daldy.

Among the new announcements of Messrs. Sampson, Low, and Co., are "The Woman in White," by Mr. Wilkie Collins ; "Right at Last, and other tales," by Mrs. Gaskell; and "The Cottages of the Alps," in two volumes, by "a Lady." A new weekly critical journal, is announced to appear under the editorship of Dr. Charles Mackay, assisted by eminent British and American writers ; and a new monthly periodical, called "The Floral Magazine," edited by Mr. Thomas Moore, Secretary to the Horticul- tural Society, will be produced on the 1st of May, by Mr. Lovell Reeve.

Messrs. Day and Son have in preparation various illustrated works ; among them "The Church's Floral Calendar," with text by Emily Cuyler ; "Thu Junior Etching Club for 1860," comprising a series of original works by members of the Club, with passages from English poets ; and a new quarto edition of Moore's "Paradise and the Peri," with ornamental illuminations by Mr. Owen Jones.

A new Quarterly Review, to be called the "National Quarterly," is about to be started at New York, by Messrs. Pudney and Russell, under the editorship of Mr. E. J. Sears.

The first two volumes of a new " Histoire de la Restauration," by M. Louis de Viel-Castel, have been published by Michel Levy, freres, Paris. The work is to be complete in eight volumes.

A " Histoire des Vicissitudes Politiques de la France," by M. de Larey ; and " Souvenirs'd'un Ancien Militaire," by M. Ed. Dechy, are announced as forthcoming by Amyot and Co., Paris.

The commission appointed to publish the correspondence of Napoleon I. is preparing for the press another volume, to be issued by H. Plon,. Paris. The number of letters, documents, and despatches of the Em- peror hitherto gathered by the comnrisSion amounts to no less than- 85,000, which, it is calculated, will form, when printed, forty large volumes.

A curious little work, entitled " L'Europe en 1760, et l'Europe en 1860," has this week been published by Sagansan, Paris. It consists of well-executed maps of the political configuration of Europe in 1760 and 1860, accompanied by a list of the different territories which the five Great Powers have successively gained or lost in the course of the century.

The last number of the Revue Contemporaine contains a notable article by M. H. F. Here, entitled " L'Aristocratie Anglaise." The author's thesis is this :—" La democratie Anglaise a ete de tres bonne heure in plus aristocratique, et raristocratie la plus democratique du monde."

An interesting contribution to the industrial literature of France has just been published by Berger-Levrault, Paris, under the title "La fila- ture de coton en France et en Angleterre: lea machines et les colons." M. Louis Boigeol is the author of the work.

Messrs. Bourdilliat and Co. (Librairie Nouvelle) announce as forth- coming, " Un Voyage en Chine," by C. Pitaine ; "Marseille et lea Mar- seillais," by M. Mery ; "La Afasearade Parisienne," by M. Champ- ficury ; "La Betise humaine," by J. Noriac ; and " Un Volume he Contes," by Alexander Dumas, pere.

A list of all the Joint-Stqck companies of Belgium their statutes, financial position, and other particulars, has just been published by Mu- quardt, Brussels, under the title, "Las Secretes anonymes de Belgique, avec des notes et une introduction," by M. A. Dement-, advocate.

From Berlin we are promised the Correspondence of Felix Mendel- sohn, to be edited by Professor Droysen, with the assistance of a hrother, of the deceased and several other members of the family.