7 APRIL 1866, Page 3

Rev. John Keble, some time Oxford Professor of Poetry, the

author of The Christi= Year—a book which went through eighty editions in half as many years—and of other inferior volumes of religious poetry, and one of the leaders of the Puseyite move- ment, died on Good Friday at Bournemouth, in the seventy-third year of his age. It is said that he attained an easy deuhle first at the age of only eighteen, but his one great faculty seems to have been for verse, and of that he wrote a. great deal that is very sweet, and very thin, and very feminine. Dr. Newman dates the movement which ultimately took him to Rcane frora Mr. Keble's sermon on "National Aposta.cy," on 14th July, 1833, saying, "I have ever considered and kept the day as the start of the religious movement of 1833 ;" but Mr. Keble had not the nerve, even if he saw the logical absurdity of his position, to leave his own Church when his ecclesiastical superiors denounced the creed, which celebrated their own apostolic descent, as heresy, and, like Dr. Pusey and all the clergymen in whom the domestic religious affec- tions of English clergymen overpowered their doctrinal attrac- tions to Rome, he died in the English communion.