7 APRIL 1923, Page 22

The London Mercury.

The April number of the Mercury is poor. There is a pleasant piece of buffoonery in verse by Mr. Vachel Lindsay. Miss Katherine Mansfield's fragmentary story is heavy and involved ; her sensitiveness never failed her, but often her impulse was too weak to enliven her observation. Mr. Powys Evan's drawing of Professor Murray is a fairly recog- nizable likeness ; but it is amazing that the editor should have chosen to reproduce Mr. Jack B. Yeats's "The Country Jockey " ; the lack of design and the incompetence of its draughtsmanship are obvious. Mr. Evelyn Strachey's lyric shows a capacity for good phrasing and attractive rhythm. The man of quiet and wholesome interests will find instruction in many of the other articles—but surely the London Mercury began with more promise ?