7 APRIL 1923, Page 24


'The Minoans. By George Glasgow. (Jonathan Cape. 4s. 6d.)

.This is an admirable and attractive little primer on the Cretan excavations, which should, even if it serves no other purpose, prove an excellent preface to Greek History at schools. It is 'distinctly elementary in character—no attempt is made to lay any really new material before the public : one must wait for Sir Arthur Evans's great work for Zhat- but it certainly succeeds in its avowed aim of setting forth clearly. and imaginatively, in a way . suited to the general reader' the chief, or at any rate the most romantic, features of the discoveries. If it has a fault it is that it rather under- eitimates the knowledge which the even passably educated reader already has of the subject. On the format the publisher is thoroughly to be congratulated.