7 AUGUST 1841, Page 21


The Memnon. Rams. from Bombay to Liverpool, in putting back, struck on the rocks off the Lighthouse the llth June, and was expected to go to pieces.

The Fergussou. Vertue. with troops from Port Jackson to Madras, was stranded in Torres Straits 27th April-cress- and troops saved. Arrived-At Gravesend, July 31411. Rachel, Scott. from Bengal ; Aug. 1st, Meteor. Walker, front Manilla. At Deal, 5th. Indemnity. Roberts, from Van Diemen's Laud. Off Plymouth. 5th. Velox. Falconer, from the Cape. At the Cape, previous to the Is; June, Martha, Sharp. from Liverpool; and Brilliant. Ricbie, from Cork. At Itanbay, previous to 1911 July, Margaret, Mainland; Lady East. Corbies; Merino, fel' Milian ; Guisachen, Every • and lady Feversham. Webster, from London ; Windsor Castle, Young; Mouareh. Every; Caledonia. Ilaverick; and Ospray. Kirk, from Liverpool; Argyle. 111•Pheen; and Ritchie, Kerr, from the Clyde; North Pole, Watt ; Mallon. Spears; and Leuconia, Barlow, from Newcastle. At Madras, previous to the 8th Juue, Ilindostan, Redman, from London: and Jane Blain, Reid, from the ClN de. At Bengal, previous to 5th June. Brightman, Nockells; Mary Ridley, Sharer; Worcester, Waugh - Brothers, Rein ; Susan Crisp, Cobden ; City of Postal!, Rodgers; Elizabeth, Hamlin ; Romeo. Pollock ; RCA Achilles, Marshall, from Landou ; Canton, !Tastable; W. Parker, Sewell; Frances Ann, Thompson ; Airey. Nicht Ison ; John Knox, Forest ; Ninth. Shaw; Currency. Parkin; and Patriot King. Rudelock. from Liverpool; Araphytrite. Kerr; Juliet, Alexander; Royal Albert. Banks; and Samson, Brown, from the Clyde; and Blackness, Murray, from Leith. At Ceylon. Morning Star, —. from London ; and Britannia. Edwards, from Liverpool. AL Singapore, previous to 29th April, Blair, Oldham; Penang. Cum- ming; nod John Dagdale, Millwood, from Liverpool, Sailed-From Gravesend, Aug. le.t. Warrior. Douthwaite; and Paliuurus. Hender- son. for Bengal ; 3d, Anonyma. Vieux. for Bombay ; and 4th, NV. Money, Green, for Bengal. From I,iverpool, 3d, Kingston, Broadfoot ; and Gardner. Cole. from Bengal; 4th. Reward, Salmon, for ditto ; W. Perrie. M•Dowell; and Princess Charlotte, King. for Bombay.