7 AUGUST 1847, Page 20

rise Poor Voter's Song. Written by Thomas Noel, Erg.; the

Music composed by F. Lancelott, and respectfully dedicated to Lord John Russell. This song was originally published in the Spectator, at the general elec- tion in 1835. Its manly and independent tone of sentiment, conveyed in vigorous though homely language, was very congenial to the spirit of the time; and it acquired immense circulation and popularity over all the kingdom. As now republished, (with a view, no doubt, to the present election,) the verses are united to an air of a bold English cast of melody, which suits them very well. The first part of the air is major; while the second part, to which the " burden " after every verse is sung, is in the relative minor,-a peculiarity that assists the expression of the words.