7 AUGUST 1852, Page 6


"-The following Treasury order has been issued, prohibiting the vending of chicory under the name of coffee, but leaving every dealer at liberty to dispose of each article under its proper name.

" August 3, 1852. " In pursuance of directions from the Right Hon. the Lords Commissioners of her Majesty's Treasury, dated the 29th ult., " Ordered—That the general order of August 31, 1840, directing that no -objection be made, on the part of this revenue, to dealers in and sellers of coffee mixing chicory with coffee, or to their having the same so mixed in their possession,' be rescinded. " That in future licensed dealers in coffee be allowed to keep and sell chicory, or other vegetable substances prepared to resemble coffee, provided that they be sold unmixed with coffee, in packages sealed or otherwise se- cured, containing respectively not less than 2oz. and having pasted thereon a printed label, with the name or firm of the seller, the exact weight, and true description of the article contained therein ; and provided that no such article be kept in a loose state, or otherwise than in such packages as afore- said, in any room entered for the storeage or sale of coffee. " That all licensed dealers in coffee be furnished with a copy of this order, and informed that they must abide the consequences if after the expiration of three months from the date hereof they continue to sell coffee mixed with any ingredient contrary to law.

" Each officer must prepare a scheme in his general entry-book, in which he must insert the name and residence of every dealer in coffee in his sta- tion, and the date of furnishing him with a copy of this order, adding there- in his own signature in proof of the delivery of the said order."

"If we are not misinformed," says the writer of the City article of the Standard of yesterday, "the Maritime Powers will be invited by Eng- land and France to consider the situation of Mexico, with a view to esta- blishing her independence, both financially and politically, so that a bar- rier may be established against the aggressive spirit of America in the South."

Various newspapers from the Patric to the Prussian Gazette, deny the existence of the now ?amens convention printed by the Morning Chronicle last week. It is important to notice, however, that it is the specific

text as published whose existence is denied. It has been remarked that the treaty of Unkiar Skelessi was in like manner declared non-existent; nevertheless, it turned up in due time.

The uniform for the militia is in active preparation ; Government having contracted for several thousand sets, of which the greater part are already completed. The dress is of the ordinary military appearance—the coat buttons close up to the neck, and the tail is the narrow peak, or row of ' but_ r' bob- I tail." The colour is scarlet, with yellow collar and cuffs : one

tons, of a dark leaden bue, surmounted by a crown only, by Fumin, deco- ' rates the front—Morning _Herald.

A rumour that Mr. Heatheoat would retire from the representation of Tiverton in favour of Lord Ebrington has been contradicted.

It is currently reported in well-informed circles in the North of Eng- land, that upon the assembling of Parliament the Honourable Captain Howard will retire from the representation of Morpetb, and that Sir George Grey will be returned.—.Daily

The Morning Chronicle quotes from the Guardian an analysis of the votes given for Mr. Gladstone at the election for Oxford University ; and the figures incontestably refute the unblushing falsehoods which were cir- culated before the election as to the defections from the body of his sup- porters. Many electors split their votes between Gladstone and Inglis at the request of Mr. Gladstone's committee ; nevertheless the unusual num- ber of single votes shows the strength of the feeling- " Split votes for Inglis and Gladstone 638 Split votes for Inglis and Marsham 698 Plumplers for Inglis 33 Plumpers for Gladstone 470

Plumpers for Marsham 60

The total number of signatures to the declaration issued in the beginning of the contest against supporting or sanctioning a third candidate was 1276. Of these, 902 voted for Mr. Gladetene ; 134 are known to have paired in his favour ; 92 promised to vote for him, but were prevented from doing so (as far as appears) by the premature termination of the contest; 73 were prevented from supporting him, by illness, absence from England, or similar causes; 60 were neutral; 5 voted for Dr. Marsham.


The Royal steam-packet Caradoe, Lieutenant-Commanding Derriman, arrived at Marseilles on the morning of the 4th instant without the Indian mail, which had not been signalled at Alexandria up to the 27th July. The Bombay and Calcutta mails will arrive together. The Morning Chronicle says, in the City article, that the delay has probably arisen "from the steamer employed not being adapted for the service, and she would therefore be unable to make much way against the monsoon." "The largest and best steamers in the India service being employed in the Ran- goon war, it is very probable that the Queen steamer, built in 1839, with only 200 horse-power, was the only one available for the conveyance of the mail. The French mail from Malta, which is expected on the 9th instant, may probably bring some information regarding the over-due mail."

Lord and Lady John Russell are now living at Callender, near the Trosachs. An illumination and other jubilant displays had been got up in honour of them by the inhabitants.

The Globe reports that Admiral the Earl of Dundonald, G.C.B., has re- ceived from the Chffians 60001. in part compensation for his services when, as Lord Cochrane, he fitted out and commanded their squadron.

The King of the Belgians has decreed that an agricultural map shall be made of the country.

The King of the Netherlands has appointed the Count Van Zuylen Van Nyvett, now Secretary of Legation to the Dutch Embassy at Brus- sels, to the same post at our Court.

Otho, King of Greece, arrived at Vienna on the 29th July, on his way to Carlsbad; whither he has gone for the benefit of his health.

President Bonaparte has presented the driver and fireman of the locomo- tive which conveyed him to Strasbourg with a gold and silver watch.

The Archduke Ferdinand left Algiers on the 22d July, and reached Malta on the 25th, in the Volta, and sailed next day for Naples.

The Nuremberg Correspondent says that Count Nesselrode will visit Ischl, during the stay there of the Emperor of Austria and the King of Prussia.

General D'Ornano is expected to succeed Marshal Excelmans as Chan- cellor of the Legion of Honour. Marshal Harispe is also spoken of.

Mademoiselle de Praslin, one of the daughters of the late Duke de Pres- lin, has just married Count de Robersart, of Mons; and one of her sisters. is about to marry a young Count de Montalembert, nephew of the Countess de Gagemont, also of Mons.

Mr. Granger, M.P. for Durham, died suddenly, at York, on Thursday.

' Mr. Granger, called to the bar in 1830, was a Queen's counsel, a Bencher of the Inner Temple, and Recorder for the borough of Hull. He has re- presented Durham in three Parliaments ; having been elected in 1841, in 1847, and a third time in 1852. He was an unsuccessful candidate at the elections in 1835 and 1837. The remains were to be removed from York on Friday morning, for interment in the vaults of the Temple Church.

Alfred Comte d'Orsay died at Paris on Tuesday ; " and perhaps," says the Morning Chronicle, "no man of ruined fortunes and blighted hopes ever left so large a number of admiring and attached friends to mourn his loss."

Count d'Orsay was born in 1798. His father, General Comte d'Orsay, was a soldier of the Empire. The young Count inherited little but his father's gallant spirit, his handsome person, and his name. Like his father, he entered the army ; and it was while his regiment was quartered at Valence, in 1822, that he first saw the Countess of Blessington, with whom his life was ever after destined to be bound up. His regiment was ordered into ac- tive service in the French irruption into Spain in 1823; but he threw up his commission and left his family, to travel about with the Countess. In 1823 he was introduced to Lord Byron, at Genoa ; and a journal which the

Count bad written of his experience of English society in 1819 and 1820 was much admired by the misanthropic poet.

Count d'Orsay married Lady Harriet, the stepdaughter of Lady Blessing- ton, when she was only sixteen. This was an unhappy marriage. Looking upon its result, separation, in the tenderest light, the Morning Chronicle exclaims _" It is impossible to imagine a more truly feminine, gentle, and winning creature, or one better qualified to appreciate her husband. She did ap- preciate him, and the misfortune was that he never appreciated her ; indeed, he never lived enough with her to know the value of what he was throwing away. Her fortune was very large, and the greater part of it was left at his disposal. It is supposed that he received—or that his creditors or assignees received—in one shape or another, more than 100,0001. from her Irish estates. This is the part of his story which we should be glad to gloss over ; but it is too notorious to be ignored in any biographical notice making the smallest pretension to authenticity."

This is mild censure of a man who could take the money and desert the heiress. But let it pass. Count d'Orsay was opposed to the coup d'etat of December 2d ; which he thought was effected "en pure perte.

3l. Bonaparte was never grateful to his old host of Gore House; this is attributed to the habit of giving advice which distinguised Count d'Orsay.

The celebrated Parisian painter M. Tony Jolumnot was seized with apoplexy on Wednesday, and died shortly afterwards.

The American papers announce the death of Dr. Renshaw Bishop of Rhode Island, and Dr. Gadsden, Bishop of South Carolina, both Protest- ants.

English crops everywhere promise abundantly. Wheat especially is reported as very fine and healthy. In some places the late rains have done some damage ; but on the whole a plenteous harvest is anticipated. Hops also are abundant, having sprouted suddenly and plentifully during the warm weather : the duty is expected to reach, 300,0001.

The pollee stations will be shortly connected with each other, and with the railroads, by means of eleotrio telegraphs.

Three large ships—the Dinapore, the Admiral, and the Chalmers—con- taining an aggregate of about 800 emigrants, sailed from Gravesend on _Sunday last for. Port Phillip. The Chalmers carried several of Mrs. Chis- holm's groups, mustering 250 strong. On Monday, the Northumberland, carrying some thirty-six distressed needlewomen, from the Female Emi- gration Society, set out for the same destination.

An English traveller who attempted lately to pass into Lombardy was stopped on the frontier ; and although his passport "was perfectly regu- lar," he was forbidden to cross the magic boundary, unless he would sur- render some works which he had in his carpet-bag. The noxious vo- lumes were "Murray's Handbook for North Germany, an Italian Vocabu- lary, Heller's Map of Switzerland, the House with Seven Gables, and a volume of the English translation of Plato." The traveller would not give the books up, and he was obliged to return on his way.

The following letter of the Bishop of Gap to the Bishop of Orleans on the vexed question of elaaaical education is going the round of the Paris papers. It neeullajlobradveofiiciommdent. God, Creator of the univers ; but I do not believe in E good faith of those who desire to destroy the Univers (news- paper organ of the priests opposed to the Classics.)

"I believe in Jesus Christ ; who has established his Church through the Christian doctors, and not the doctors of Paganism.

" I believe in the Holy Ghost ; who has spoken by prophets, and not by sybils.

"I believe in the communion of saints ; but I do not believe in that of the Gazette, the Slick, the Debate, the Presse, and the Charivari. "I believe in the resurrection of the dead ; but I fear much that of the Gallicans and Parliamentarians.

"I believe in life eternal; but not that of the Elysian fields, however finely _painted by Pagan poets.

" That is to say, Monseigneur, I am for the adoption of the Christian au- thors in due proportion, without renouncing the chefs-drceuvre of Rome and of Athens, although they must be carefully expurgated from what is hurtful to good manners and the Catholic faith. "I have the honour, &c. t IRENCE, Bishop of Gap."

The Registrar-General's return for the quarters ending March and June 1852 has been published.

The marriages in the quarter ending 31st March were 32,933; which exceeds by 314 the number in the corresponding quarter last year. The returns of the births are for the quarter ending June, and amount to 159,136 ; only two less than the number born in the second quarter of 1851. The deaths in the same period amount to 100,813. The increase of the population is 58,323. In the quarter ending 30th June 1862, 126,112 emigrants sailed from the ports of the United Kingdom at which there are emigration-agents. The rate of mortality in the spring quarter was 2.227 per cent per annum ; which is slightly above the average of the season.

From a comparison of the tables of marriages, births, and deaths, we find the following results. In eleven years beginning with 1841, the greatest numbers were married in the quarters ending June and Decem- ber. In the same period, with two exceptions, the years 1848 and 1850, the greatest number of births are registered in the quarters ending March and June. During the same period, with four exceptions, the greatest number of deaths took place in the quarters ending March and June. The exceptional years were 1843, 1844, 1846, and 1849. In the first two years, the March and December quarters head the tables ; in the third, September and December; in the fourth, March and September.

Appended to the general report are some observations by Mr. Leigh, of Manchester, on the causes of death and the treatment of- children ; from which we extract the following important passage-

" Mr. Leigh formerly noticed, that in Manchester great numbers-of the children died without ever being seen by a medical man : since the regula- tions respecting the certificates of death by qualified medical men there has been a considerable change. He now adds—'The first thing that strikes me is the great increase of eases in which the causes of deaths were certified by medical men, the total number of uncertified cases being only 49 out of 252 deaths ; and the next is the ever-recurring fact, that nearly all the un- certified cases were those of children, viz. 41 out of the 49. At the first aspect, one would be led to the inference that medical assistance was more generally sought for sick children now than was the case some years ago. This improvement, however, I am sorry to say, is more apparent than real. Since the establishment of the certificate system, the poor have got an impres- sion that the production of a medical certificate will facilitate the registra- tion of their children, and still further will aid them in obtaining club- money for the' interment. The consequence is, that though in the earlier stages of their diseases the children are still taken as generally as hereto- fore to druggists and unlicensed practitioners, yet when it becomes apparent that their condition is hopeless, and that they are dying, a rush is made to some medical man, who on death taking place furnishes a certificate, stating to the befit of his belief what was the disease under which the little sufferer laboured when brought to him. I am strongly of opinion, that though a greater number of certificates are brought to the Registrar, there is no actual extension of medical attendance on the suffering children of the poor. It is only necessary to glance over the assigned causes of death among children to feel how true is this observation : 21 deaths from measles, 22 from pneu- monia, 16 from dial-atom, 20 from convulsions, and 21 from marasmus. No medical man can read such a list without entire conviction that the bulk of these lives might have been saved by proper treatment promptly bestowed."' We regret to say that Mrs. John Wilson, widow of the eminent Scottish vocalist, met her death very suddenly, while bathing at Portobello, on Satur- day evening. So far as we have learned the particulars, it appears ihat the de- ceased lady went into a bathing-machine about six o'clock in the evening, along with a female companion, and threw herself boldly from the steps into the water. As she did not immediately rise again, her companion Wm- me alarmed, and screamed for assistance ; which was promptly rendered by some of the occupants of the adjacent bathing-coaches. The unfortunate lady was lifted out of the water in a senseless condition ; and having been replaced in the machine, was instantly conveyed to a bath-room, where the services of a surgeon were procured : but all attempts at restoring animation proved quite unavailing. Apoplexy (and not asphyxia or drowning] is understood to have been the cause of death.—Edinburgh Courant.

Letters from Posen state that 1800 have died of cholera out of a population of 12,000. The fire which raged on the 18th July burned down about eighty houses.

The first steam-collier, a screw-vessel, arrived in London Pool from New- castle on Wednesday ; bringing 600 tons of coal. The shipbuilders in the North have such extensive orders for steam-colliers that it is expected the old sailing-vessels will soon be completely superseded.

The plan of having mirrors fixed upon locomotives appears to have been tried experimentally so far back as 1849 on the London and South-western Railway, but was discontinued on account of the mirrors being calculated to distract the attention of the drivers, whose duty it is to look ahead, and or the guards to look fore and aft.

A scheme is afloat to establish public gardens for the people of Plymouth and Devonport, with a small edition of the Crystal Palace "—a building to cover an acre of ground.

In no case during the late county elections has any candidate on the second day passed, or even headed, one who had obtained the lead at four o'clock on the first day. A very small proportion only of the voters poll on the second day. In hard-fought Middlesex, it is only one-third of the total num- ber, and in most cases only a sixth or seventh. In East Cumberland it was only a tenth. The second day, as a rule, never reverses the verdict of the first.—iforning Chronicle.

The number of passengers landed at San Francisco during the month of May was 10,641; the departures for the same period did not exceed 1000. Between February 19th and June 6th, there arrived at the same port 6770 Chinamen. Amongst the immigrants from Hongkong were eighteen Chinese women, attired in the costume of their country. They are still regarded as interlopers by the Yankees.

The draining of the great Haarlem Lake rapidly approaches completion. Of the entire depth of 13 feet, 9 feet 6 inches have been successfully drained since 1848 ; leaving 3 feet 7 inches to be pumped out, which it is expected will be completed by the end of this year.

The Prefect of the Doubs has followed the example of the Prefect of the Pas de Calais, and decided that any retail sellers of wines or spirits giving liquor to persons already affected by what they bad taken shall be held re- sponsible for the acts of such persons.

Most disastrous accounts are received of the prospects of Madeira. It seems not improbable that the celebrated wine of Madeira will be a matter of history. A blight of some sort has entirely destroyed the vintage for this year, and seems likely to destroy the vines themselves. It appears in the shape of a thick white powder, which entirely covers the clusters of grapes. The inhabitants have memorialized the Portuguese Government to be per- mitted to cultivate tobacco.—Morning Chronicle.