7 AUGUST 1858, Page 11



LAW. Customs Duties, No. 2.

Financial. Stamp Duty on Drafts.

Bank Issues Indemnity.* Consolidated Fund: 11,000,0001. East India Loan.* Portumna Bridge, Ireland : to abolish Havelock Annuities.. tolls.* Consolidated Fund : 10,000,000/. Stamp Duty on Passports. Consolidated Fund : 500,000/. Funded Debt. Cambridge University Matriculation and Navigation Advances, Ireland. Degrees : stamp-duty repealed. Militia Pay. Customs Duties. Consolidated Fund (Appropriation.) Excise Duties.

Exchequer Bonds : 2,000,000/.


Mutiny. Marine Mutiny. Militia Act Continuance.

Commons Enclosure.

General Board of Health, Skipton, No. 2. Loan Societies : continuance of act. Chelsea Hospital and Water Works : ex- change of lands. Chelsea Hospital : purchase of lands. Chancery Amendment. Franchise Prisons : to abolish. Non-Parochial Registers. Peace Preservation (Ireland) Act Con- tinuance.

Commissioners for Exhibition 1851. Portendic and Albreda Convention. Railways Act (Ireland) Continuance. Chief Justice of Bombay : to make valid acts.

Hainault Forest : allotment of com- mons.

Durham County Palatine Jurisdiction. Confirmation of Executors, kc. Ecclesiastical Corporations Leasing. Universities and College Estates. Prescription, Ireland.

Nisi Prins Court, Ireland.

Joint-Stock Companies Act Amend- ment.

Militia Ballots Suspension. Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Continuance. Copyhold and Enclosure Commissions,


Indemnity. Charitable Trusts Continuance.

Army Service. New General Post Office, Edinburgh.

Marriages : Moscow, Tahiti, and Ningpo.

Universities, Scotland.

Local Government : Public Health Act 1848.

Chelsea Bridge Amendment.

Public Health.

Copyright of Designs. Fnendly Societies Act Amendment. Titles to Land, Scotland.

Drafts on Bankers Law Amendment.

Vaccination, Ireland.

Copyhold Acts Amendment. Clerks of Petty Sessions, Ireland. Legitimacy Declaration. Government of India, No. 3.

Stipendiary Magistrates, hc. Four Courts, Dublin, Extension.

Herring Fisheries, Scotland. Civil Bills (Ireland) Act Amendment. Corrupt Practices Prevention Act Con- tinuance.

Government of British Columbia.

Judgments (Ireland) Act Amendment. Detached Parts of Counties. mittees. Police (Scotland) Act Amendment. Lunatics (Scotland) Act Amendment. Railway Cheap Trains, &c.

Sheep. he., Contagious Diseases Pre- vention.

Turnpike Trusts Arrangements. Cornwall Submarine Mines.

Enclosure of Lands.

Returns to Secretary of State : to repeal, Militia (Service Abroad) Continuance. Sale and Transfer of Land, Ireland. County Court Districts. Encumbered Estates (West Indies) Amendment.

Turnpike Acts Continuance.

Metropolis Local Management Act Amendment.

Militia Act Continuance.


Havelock's Pension.* Medical Charities, Ireland.* Medical Charities, Ireland, No. 2.• Public Health Act (1848) Amendment.* London Corporation.* Clerks of Petty Sessions, Ireland.* Grand Jury Presentments, Ireland.* General Board of Health, Skipton.• Conspiracy to alurder.• Government of India, No. 1..

Government of India, No. 2.

Public Health Act (1848) Amendment,

No. 2,

Non-Parochial Registers Act Amend-


Pauper Lunatics: Maintenance.

Juries, Ireland, No. 1.

Juries, Ireland, No. 2.

Poor Removal Law Amendment.

Markets and Fairs, Ireland.* Police Force, Ireland.

Administration of Justice, Dublin.

Rateable Property, Ireland.

Sale of Wine, &c., Ireland.

Chinese Passenger Act (1855) Amend-


Superannuation Law Amendment. Pnnce Edward Island Loan.

Wills of British Subjects Abroad.

Galway Harbour and Port Act Amend-


Sale of Wine, he., Ireland.

International Patent Right.

Transfer of Land.* Sale of Poisons.

Ecclesiastical Commission : to amend acts and continue.

Sale of Poisons.

Prisoners Removal.

Bankruptcy and Liquidation, 1858. Evidence on Oath : Private Bill Corn-

The mark • denotes that the Bill was introduced by the Palmerston Government.

Number of Ministerial Bills introduced into both Houses 123

Passed into Law 87 Withdrawn or Rejected 36



Property Qualification : abolition. (Mr. Locke King.)

County Management. (Sir E. Kerrison.) Oaths. (Lord John Russell.)

Churches, &c.. Ireland. (Mr. Napier.) Jews. (Lord Lucan.)

Law of False Pretences Amendment. (Lord Brougham.) Municipal Franchise. (Lord Abinger.) Joint-Stock Banking Companies : limited liability. (Mr. Ileadlain.) Medical Practitioners. (Mr. Cowper.) Reformatory Schools, Ireland. (Sergeant Deasy.) Art Unions Indemnity. (Mr. Ewart.) County, &c., Property Conveyance. (Mr. Palk.) New Writs. (Mr. Collins.) Bishops Trusts Substitution. (Bishop of Oxford.) Probates and Letters of Administration Act Amendment. (Lord Cmnworth.) Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Amend- ment. (Lord Cranworth.) Leases and Sales of Settled Estates Act Amendment. (Lord Cranwortb.) Sale and Transfer of Land, Ireland.

(Viscount Hutchinson.) Administration of Oaths by Committees.


Gaols and Houses of Correction. (Mr. Bowyer.) Ecclesiastical Residences, Ireland. (Mr. Napier.) Tenants Compensation, Ireland. (Mr. Maguire.)

Prescription, Ireland. (Mr. Bland.) Roads, Scotland. (Lord Elcho.) Agricultural Statistics. (Mr. Caird.) Cruelty to Animals Act Amendment.

(Viscount Raynliam.) Edinburgh Annuity Tax. (Mr. Black.) Poor Rates, Metropolis. (Mr. Ayrton.) Heirs, Scotland. (Mr. Dunlop.) Valuation of Lands (Scotland) Act Amendment. (Mr. Dunlop.) Registration of County Voters, Scotland. (Sir E. Colebrooke.) Patent Law Amendment. (Mr. T. Dun- combe.)

Registration of Partnerships. (Viscount Goderich.) Election Committees Scrutiny. (Mr. Collins.) Masters and Workmen. (Mr. Mackin- non.) Weights and Measures. (Mr. J. Locke.) Medical Profession and Medical Corpo- rations. (Mr. T. Duncombe.)

Game Law, Ireland. (Mr. S. B. Miller.) Bishops Trusts Substitution, No. 2. (Mr. Briscoe.) Letters of Credit. (Mr. Horsfall.) Religious Worship Act Amendment. (Earl of Shaftesbury.) Imprisonment for Debt Abolition. (Lord Brougham.) District Courts of Bankruptcy Abolition. No. 1. (Lord Brougham.) Libel. (Lord Campbell.)

Barrel Organ Suppression. (Marquis of Westmeath.) Church Rates Abolition. (Sir J. Tre- lawny.) [Rejected in Lords.]

County Franchise. (Mr. L. King.) Insurance and Assurance Institutione: (Mr. Sheridan.) Oaths Substitution. (Lord Lyndhurst.) Independence of Parliament. (Lord Brougham.)

Members Freedom from Arrest. (Mr. Hunt.)

Leases and Sales of Settled Estates Act Amendment. (Mr. Adams.)

Smoke Nuisance Abatement, Metropolis. (Mr. Ayrton.)

Church Rates Commutation. (Mr. Alcoek.)

London Corporation. (Sir It. Carden.) Medical Profession. (Lord Elcho. ) Galway Freemen Disfranchisement. (Mr. G. Clive.) Marriage-Law Amendment. (Viscount Bury.)

Poor-law : to amend 59th Geo. III. e. 12. (Mr. Cross.) Debtors and Creditors. (Mr. Headlam.) Common Law Procedure Act Amend- ment. (Mr. Atherton.)

Bishops Trusts Substitution, No. 8. (Mr. Briscoe.)

Landed Estates, Ireland. (Mr. Butt.) Piers and Harbours. (Mr. Paull.) New 'Trial in Criminal Cases. (Mr.


Wills of British Subjects Abroad. (Sir B. Bethel].) Administration of Justice. (Sir 1. Bethell.) Bankruptcy and Insolvency Laws Con- solidation. (Lord J. Russell.)

Sale of Grain. (Mr. M'Cium.) Wills and Domicile of British Subjects Abroad. (Sir R. Bethel!.)

Admiralty Court : freedom to practise in. (Mr, Wsirren.) Endowed Schools Law Amendment. (M2.

Landlord and Tenant, Ireland. (Mr.


Emblements, hc., Ireland. ( Mr. Megan.) Leasing Powers, Ireland. (Mr. S. B. Miller.)

Factories. (Mr. Akroyd.)

Gaols and Houses of Correction Act Amendment. (Mr. Whitbread.) Gaols and Houses of Correction Act Amendment. (Mr. Bowyer.) Equitable Cm1nclls of Conciliation. (Mr. ackinnon.) Transfer of Estate Simplification. (Lord , St. Leonard's.). ' Church of England Special Services. (Archbishop of Canterbury.) Law of Property Amendment. (Lord St. Leonard.) Elistriet Courts of Bankruptcy Abolition, No. 2. (Lord Broughans.) Trustees, Mortgagees, &c. (Lord Crap- ' worth.) Turnpike Road Offences. (Lord Port- man.) Trustees Relief. (Lord St. Leonards.) Law of Evidence Further Amendment.' (Lord Brougham.) Transfer of Real Estate. (Lord Brough- am.) Protection of Female Children. (Bishop of Oxford.) Ecclesiastical Corporations Aggregate (Estate.) (Duke of Marlborough.) Treasure Trove. (Lord Talbot de Male- hide.) School Trustees Bill. (Lord Stanley of Alderlev.) County Property Conveyance. (Duke of Somerset.) International Patent Right.

Public Grounds and Playgrounds. (Mr. Slaney.) SELECT COMMITTEES.

House of Lords.

Deflekency of Means of Spiritual Instrue- .tion. (Bishop of Exeter.) Reported June M.

Proceedings on Private Bills. (Lord Stanley of Alderley.) Reported July 16. Office of the Clerk of the Parliaments, &c: (Lord Chancellor.) Reported July 15. August 2.

House of Commons.

Bank Acts. (Chancellor of the Exche- quer.) Reported July 1. East India, Transport of Troops. (Sir D. Lacy Evans.) Reported July 1. Accidents on Railways. (Mr. Bentinck.) Reported June 25.

Savings-Banks. (Chancellor of the Ex- chequer.) Reported July 19. Harbours of Refuge. (Mr. Wilson.) Re- ported June 17. .

Ameer -Ali Moomd's Claim. (Mr. Roe-

buck.) Reported March 12. Colonization, India. (Mr. Ewart.) Re- -: ported June 10, July 12, 23. Contracts, Public Departments. (Colonel Boldero.) Reported June 4, June 10, July 2.

Consular Service and Appointments. - (Mr. S. Fitzgerald.) Reported July 27. Billeting System. (General Peel.) Re- ported June 25.

Dublin Port Dues. (Mr. Vance.) Tribunals of Commerce. (Mr. Ayrton.) Reported July 12.

East India Railways. (Mr. Liddell.) Reported July 13.

Donegal Destitution. (Mr. Bagwell.) Reported July 12.

River Thames. (Mr. Kendall.) Reported July 19. . Land 'Transport Corps. (Lord A. V. Tem- pest.) Reported July 8.

Gee, Metropolis. (Mr. Byng.) Reported July 6.

Stade Tolls. (Mr. Henley.) Reported July 14.

Foreign Office Reconstruction. (Mr. Hope.) Reported July 13.

County Rates, Ireland. (Mr. Macartney.) Reported July 13.

Public Establishments : Exemption from Rates. (Sir J. Elphinstone.) Report- ed July 19. Railway and Canal Legislation. (Colonel W. Patten.) Reported Ray 12. Irremoveable Poor. (Mr. Estcourt.) Re- ported June 29.

Mr. Barber's Case. (Mr. Brady.) Re- ported July 7.

Expiring Laws. (Hr. Hamilton.) Re- ported June 29. Militia Estimates. (General Peel.) Re- ported July 14.

Standing Orders Revision. (Colonel Pat- ten.) Repdrted July 27.

• Dec. 11. Mr. Disraeli's amendment on the motion to reappoint the Bank Acts Committee rejected by 295 to 117.

Feb. 9. Leave to introduce the Conspiracy to Murder Bill carried by. 299 to 99. 18. Leave to introduce the Government of India Bill carried by 318 to 173.


Feb. 19, Mr. Gibson's amendment on the Conspiracy to Murder Bill carried by 234 to 215.

Tho Derby Government. •


The Jew clause in the Oaths Bill rejected in the Lords by 119 to 80.

The Earl of Shaftesbury's Indian Resolutions put aside in the Lords by •• previous question' by a vote of 167 to 158.

*July 1, 2, On several occasions in the Commons ,in Committee on the India June 11. 14, 25, amendments endments Proposed by Lord Palmerston and others were

rejected by decisive majorities.

DEFEATS. • April 26, Mr. Monsell's motion for an Address on the Admission to Cadetships - - in the Royal Artillery and Royal-Engineers carried by 217 to 177.

June 1. Captain Vivian's motion on the Military Departments, carried by 106 to 144. -

The Church Rates Bill read a third time in the Commons by 266 to 203. 10. The second reading of the County Frafiehise Bill tarried by 226 to 168. July 27. The LOrds' amendment in the India'BilFrespecting competitive exami- • nation-negatived in the Commons by 73 to 60.


Cons! ittrenry. racancy hole occasioned. Suttee.,

'Middlesex f Elevation of Lord R. Grosvenor I r / to the Peerage G. Byng.

Tavistock Resignation of Mr. Byng i A. J. F. Russell.

Oldham Death of Mr. Platt W. J. Fox,

Kent, East Sir E. Dering, resigned W. Deedes.

Wicklow Lord Milton becomes a Peer Hon. G. L. Proby. -Harwich Death of Major Warburton - Bagshaw. Paisley Death of Mr. nestle H. E. C. Ewing. Northamptonshire, N. Death of Mr. Stafford G. W. Hunt.

Ashton Death of Mr. Hindley M. Gibson. -Thetford Resignation of Mr. F. Baring ... A. II. Baring. Scarborough Registration of Earl of Mulgrave J. D. Dent. Whitehaven Death of Mr. Hildyard. G. Lyall. Mayo Vacant since the previous session. Lord J. 'I'. Browne. Elgin Resignation of Mr. T. S. Duff.... H. E. G. Duff.

Buckinghamshire 1 II trial, . C. Cavendish becomes a } W. G. Cavendish.

Northamptonshire, S Lord Althorp becomes a Peer.... H. Cartwright.

Reigate Death of Mr. Hackblock Sir H. C. Rawlinson.

Mr. J. O'Brien becomes a Judge G. Gavin. f Sir F. Thesiger elevated to the1 j. Inglis. 1 Woolsack

I Mr. J. Napier becomes Lord I . L ' _fro 1 Chancellor of Ireland 5"' Y.

Limerick Mr.Gavin declared not dulyelected J. Spaight. *Leitrim Resignation of Mr. Montgomery. W. B. 0. Gore. Norfolk, East Death of Sir E. Buxton Hon. W. C. W. Coke.

,Cornwall, West Death of Mr. M. Williams J. St. Aubyn.

f Mr. Inglis appointed Lord Justice I 1 Clerk .. • Sir H. S. Northcote. . 5 'Devon, South I Sir J. Y. Buller elevated to the 1 t Peerage. Mr. S. T. Kekewich. Cheshire, North Mr. W. T. Egerton, resigned....

. The, foregoing list does not represent all the elections that have occurred, but the changes alone : the original construction of the Derby Ministry, and the changes when Lord Ellenborough retired, necessitated twenty-three -other elections-that is re-elections, each Member resuming his seat for the place he had recently represented. .


The Lords held 92 sittings, representing 235 hours. The Commons held 132 sittings, representing 871 hours.


The Palmerston Government.


April 27. May 14.

-Limerick ,Stamford Dublin University Stamford