7 AUGUST 1858, Page 21


FROM TILE LONDON GAZETTE, AUGUST 3. Bankruptcy Annulkd.-Satrum. TROUNCE, Bristol, provision-merchant. Bankrupts.-WILLIAJS ELLERDY WnaxEr and WILLLUI JOHN ErmsTEen, Wood Street, Cheapside, warehousemen-3113NET HODOEINSON, Queenhithe, wholesale stationer-Jonx DERRICK AYRES and DAVID ill'Harrus MELLISS, Nottingham, mer- chants-Lovni LiewrgwerEm, Wood Street, Cheapside, merchant-Jai/Rs BATE, Bir- mingham, innkeeper- TH031AS GRAVES and HENRY Wu-Ea:meow, Leamington Priors, .plumbers-Joar Muzak, Newcastle-under-Lyne, travelling draper-Smarm. STUART Wednesbury, grocer-JamEs GILLMAN, Exeter, boot-manufacturer. Scotch Seguestrations.-Conwoon, Salen, Island of Mull-Cormrtx, Stirling, car- Pet-manufacturer-Gaansav, Broughty Ferry, grocer-MICR:4m, Glasgow, wright, SveviourON, Glasgow, oil-mere.hant-Gow, Dryden Mains, Edinburghshire, farmer- %mu, Glasgow, manufacturer.

FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, AUG. 6. Bankr_uptcies Annoned.-JosEen PARKER., Blackburn, Lancashire, grocer- HENRY Wnsow, Pdatefract, Yorkshire, grocer. Bankrupts.-WILMAX Surrox, Yoxall, Staffordshire, grocer-Jonx BOWERS &urn, Rugby, Warwickshire, baker-GeoRGE Mauna, and J.twas TERRAS, Ard- wick, Manchester, builders-GEoRGE BRADSRAVV, Whitchureh, Shropshire. inn- keeper-JOHN PRESTON, Spalding, Lincolnshire, watchruaker-CimaLes War.Tow and \WILLIAM WevroN, Gracechurch Street, ship-owners-Casaum Watnut, Great Marylebone Street, pawnbroker-GEORGE CORNFIELD WILLIAMS, Northamp- ton, corn-dealer-JOHN KING WESTROP, Staining Lane, City, glove-manufacturer.

Scotch Sequestrations.-Mmates, Glasgow, gardener-Gru., Tobermorey, shire-MvottEsrox, Dunoon-Natnarrox, Dundee, brewer.