7 AUGUST 1880, Page 3

places of 719 Republicans and 712 Reactionaries who went out

are to be supplied by 927 Republicans and 374 Reactionaries; while 130 contests remain to be decided by the second ballot. Taking into account the Councillors elected in 1877, who do not retire for three years more,—namely, in 1883,—there will be its the new Conseils-Generaux 1,753 Republicans and 952 Reac- tionaries. which will leave the parties represented in very nearly the proportion of two Republicans to every Reactionary for the next three years. No wonder the Conservatives are bethinking themselves of adopting the Republican principle frankly, and trying to organise the new Conservative party on the basis of that principle, without holding out any sort of hopes to the Monarchists that they will favour any Monarchical restoration.