7 AUGUST 1926, Page 30


In these days of enforced house purchases, increasing interest is undoubtedly taken by the public in the various schemes put forward by the Building Societies and by Insurance Companies for financing the building or the purchase of houses. Among other brochures which have been forwarded to me is one of the Abbey Road Building Society, and, as might be expected from the fact that the President is Sir Josiah Stamp, the scheme is not only very complete, but, so far as I am able to judge, a very sound one. It enables the really thrifty individual to acquire, by reasonable monthly payments, within a period of about fifteen years, the house he may be desiring to occupy. It is also no less a test of the soundness of the scheme that the payments are not allowed to extend over too long a period, so that the borrower is not encouraged to acquire some establishment calculated to be beyond his means. For all reasonable requirements, however, the proposals would seem to be thoroughly adequate.

A. W. K.