7 AUGUST 1971, Page 22

Crime reporting

Sir: Your last issue of ihe Spectator (July 31) contained a story concerning the Oz trial at the Old Bailey by Tony Palmer. He wrote: "The regular crime reporters coughed and spluttered their beersodden way through summer's day after summer's day."

He did not do what any careful reporter is expected to do before writing a story, especially before criticizing adversely a man's professional conduct and reputation. He did not check his facts. Here are the facts: I have represented the Press Association at the Old Bailey for more than twenty-five years and so, I suppose, I could be identified as "one of the regular crime reporters" covering that trial. I have had no alcoholic drink of any kind in any bar or club near the Old Bailey for more than a year and I am practically a non-drinker. Once, during the trial, I had lunch in a room above a public house opposite the court. To describe me as " beersodden " is a lie and damaging to my professional character.

John H. Morecroft 162 Poverest Road, Petts Wood, Kent