7 DECEMBER 1833, Page 5

The family of Mr. John Mills, of time East India

lload, Poplar, were thrown into a state el great dismay on Friday last, by the receipt of a letter from Mr. William Mills, one of the sons of the above gen. demur', who lately returned from Demerara, stating that he had heels trepanned on board the Marquis of Chandos West Indiaman, which left the West India Dock on the previous day, by Captain Galor, the com- mander, who bad put him into irons, set a guard over Mtn to prevent his escaping, and placed him in confinement in the cabin, with the intention of taking hint to the West Indies. The young gentleman implored of his family to lose no time in adopting measures to overtake the ship, which was then under weigh. On receiving this intelligence, Mr. Mills immediately despatched Mr. Charles Mills, and Mr. Browne, a solicitor, to Dover. There they learned, that the ship was detained at Deal by head-winds. The Mayor of Dover sent some officers to ac- company the gentlemen; with full power to take Mr. William Mills out of the ship. The party started for Deal, which they reached at a late hour on Saturday night, and ascertained that the ship was not far off. A boat was engaged, and the boatmen were about to shove off; when, owing to the violence of the wind, the boat was capsized, and all the parties narrowly escaped a watery grave ; but owing to the perseverance of the Deal pilots, the boat was righted, and the water haled out. Mr. Charles Mills was, however, so much bruised by being thrown on the shingles, that he was obliged to return, and was carried back into the town. Mr. Brownie and the officers, notwithstanding the boisterous state of the weather, succeeded in reaching the Marquis of Chandos„ lying at anchor in the Downs, about twelve o'clock at night ; and de- manded of the carpenter of the ship, who was keeping watch on deck, to produce Mr. William Mills. The carpenter strongly denied that he was on board, and defied the officers to search the vessel. The party immediately boarded her, and Captain Galor was called : he also denied that Mr. William Mills was in the ship; but, observing the determi- nation of the parties to search the vessel, at length agreed to produce the person of whom they were in search; and took them into the cabin, where they found Mr. William Mills in a state of mind bordering on frenzy. He had given up all hopes of being released, the pilot having left the vessel several hours previous ; and his joy on seeing Mr. Browne was unbounded. The following explanation is given of the Captain's conduct. The young gentleman had been engaged in busi- ness in Demerara ; which not proving successful, he secreted himself on board the Marquis of Chandos, in order to get off to England. He was not discovered till the ship had been out two days. Captain Galor is liable to a heavy fine, according to the law of Demerara, for taking away any person who was not registered as a passenger in the Custom- house books ; and it was to save himself from this penalty, that he con- trived to inveigle Mr. Mills on board his vessel, and carry him hack.

The above account is abridged from that published in the Daily Papers; but now let us hear the other side. The pilot who had charge of the ship on board of which the outrage is said to have been committed, appeared before the Lord Mayor yesterday, accom- panied by a notary, a friend of Captain Galor. The pilot was ready to swear, and had an affidavit drawn up, that no violence whatever was used towards the young man ; that he was not put in irons or confirm!. but allowed to walk the deck. He.".told the pilot that he was deter- mined to go to Demerara and deliver himself to his creditors. It appeared, however, from this man's statement, that Mr. Mills had been inveigled on board by the Captain ; and was much surprised to find that be was to be taken to Demerara.

The pilot said, that the article which appeared in the Times was in- jurious to his character, and that he should proceed against the writer of it. The Lord Mayor remarked, that he must then be prepared to pay all the costs ; and he would not allow him to be sworn, as he had nothing to do with the accusation against Captain Galor.

The Police have received information that several hundred pounds' 'moth of plate have been stolen from the house of Mr. Mitchell, in Charles Street, Mayfair. John Stone, his under-butler, is supposed to be the robber. He had only been a fortnight in Mr. Mitchell's service, and decamped on the day of the robbery. From particulars which have been collected, it appears very probable that Stone had con- templated the robbery for some time ; and had laid his plans with such care, that he was enabled to pack up, carry off, and perhaps dispose of his booty without being detected. It is supposed that his object is to et to America with the money ; a robbery was effected in the summer in a somewhat similar way at Mr. Mitchell's residence in Bath. The property then carried off amounted to between 3,0001. and 4,0001. con- sisting chiefly of diamonds, pearls, and jewellery of the most costly description. A large reward was offered for the detection of the offender ; but nothing whatever has been discovered, though there can be little doubt of the property having been removed by some one well acquainted with Mr. Mitchell's domestic arrangements. In the present case, Mr. Mitchell has offered a reward of 401. for the apprehension of Stone.

William Scatter, a Police Sergeant, who has been in the force three years, and hitherto borne an excellent character, was committed from the Union Hall Office on Tuesday, on a charge of robbing a sailor of some silver which he found in the waistcoat-pocket of the latter, at a public-house to which they had both gone to drink.

Two men committed to Kingston Gaol for selling unstamped publi- cations, complained lately to Lord Melbourne that the bread was not fit to eat. His Lordship gave directions to the Magistrates at Queen Square to inquire into the truth of the complaint; and it is said that they have decided it was musty, andaef bad quality.