7 DECEMBER 1833, Page 8


The Society for the abolition of Church Patronage held a meeting on Tuesday last, at the Waterloo Hotel, Edinburgh, fur the purpose of petitioning both House of Parliament for the abolition of the present system of patronage in the Church of Scotland. Amongst the gentlemen present, were Mr. George Sinclair, Mr. A. Johnstone, Mr. Colquhoun, Dr. M'Crie, Sir William Seton, Dr. Muithead, and Mr. A. Campbell. Mr. Sinclair was in the chair ; and addressed the meeting in a long and amusing speech. He referred to the conduct of Ministers as regards this question, and to the course taken by some distinguished Scottish Members.

I must express some regret at the supineness, not to say hostility, which his Ma- jesty's Ministers have evinced in relation to this cause. Of them 1 wish to speak with the highest respect, knowing that they have many claims on the confidence and grati- tude of the country ; but I do fear that they are nut sufficiently impressed with t he truth which is every day brought more and more home to me, and convinces me that the only way possible either to preserve this or the sister establishment will be to re- form every abuse or which the people can justly complain. In the second place, I con- trast with feelings of sorrow the conduct pursued, both in and out of Parliament, in reference to this question, by the honourable Members of Parliament for Glasgow, with that of the two highly respectable individuals who represent the Scottish Metropolis. I cannot call to mind without feelings of heartfelt pleasme, the kind and constant con- fidence I met both from Mr. Ewing and Mr. Oswald. than whom none more frequently reminded one how impossible it was, in deference to the feelings of the people of Scot- land, to postpone tlds question until :mother session."

But what had been the conduct of the Members for Edinburgh ?

I had the honour not long ago to be present at a public entertainment given, and most properly given, to those distinguished individuals who have done so much to pro- mote the honour and prosperity of this country ; and although one of these learned and excellent men addressed the company for fifty-nine minutes (I wish he had made it sixty. and „.iven the remaining minute to this question), he never made the slightest allusion in his address to Scotland—no more titan if it had regarded that of Nova Scotia; and when the other distinguished Representative addressed the company for three-quarters of an hour, these, considered the leading national grievances of Scotland, did not find a place during the whole ()rids observations."

No petition had been presented to the House of Commons in favour of the existing system of patronage. .It was not likely that he should be called upon, in preference to Mr. Jeffrey, to draw up such a peti- tion ; but he should luwe no hesitation in drawing one up in some such terms as these.

" Unto the honourable, and so forth, the petition of Crin2field, in the presbytery of Bemain, humbly shows, that your petitioners have heard with regret, that certain


advised men are endeavouring to procure kw us the right of selecting our pastors, who are to have the superintendence over our souls. The petitioners beg to state, that they and their forefathers have, for a period or nearly three hundred years, been in full commituiun with the Church of Seutland; have lung established the Word in their families ; are in a total dependence on the Ministers of the parish-church fur the ordi- nances or (fed ; and that although some of them am constantly enabled to attend the church, vet that their aged parents, and their wives and little ones, cannot enjoy rho same privileges: but notwithstanding, they beg to slate to the Honourable House, that they are sorry to see themselves invested with the power of namiug their own minister. Tiny think that power mould be extended better to the Eight Honourable Ihe Earl of Sweepstakes—a noblemau whose family has enjoyed this privilege for three hundred years ; but neither he nor any of his friends or acquaintances were ever known to enter the parish.elureli. That nobleman's house is abut one hundred miles from the parish of your petitioners ; some of whom having had occasion to go there on business, were anxious to know his sentiments ; and accordingly they found that although lie kept fifteen hunters, he kept no chaphtin, and never was known to cross the tlifeshold of the church where he resides. One of your petitioners also having Ind occasion to go to London, where this nobleman constantly resides, got acquainted with one of his servants, and ask,d him where his masterattencled on Sundays. He was answered, Crorkfards. On inquiring if that was a place of worship. he ascertained that it was a gamhliugdfanse; where many Scotch and English patrons spent the greater part of their time. But, notwithstanding this, your petitioners request patro- nage to remain as it is, and'shall ever pray," &c.

Mr. Johnstone, Dr. M'Crie, and other gentlemen, addressed the meeting. Resolutions and a petition were agreed to.

Mr. Abercromby is preparing the heads of a bill for decollegiating those Edinburgh churches which have at present two ministers. It is a remarkable fact, that in those churches that have two ministers the seats are invariably worse let. —.Edinburgh Chronicle.

We learn with pleasure, that a requisition to the Lord Provost is in the course of signature, desiring him to call a public meeting, for the purpose of forming an association to procure and disseminate informa- tion respecting the Corn-laws, and to adopt such other measures as may promote the application of the principles of free-trade to.the importa- tion of grain. It has already obtained the signatures of several of our

most eminent mercantile men.—Glasgow Argus. [Excellent ! Let this example of the intelligent and spirited men of Glasgow be gene-

rally followed in the towns, and, let the greedy and ignorant squires do their best, the Corn-laws will not be allowed to cumber the Statute- book above two sessions longer.] Sir Henry Parnell was at Glasgow lately, in the course of his Excise inquiries. Be was afterwards to visit Ayr, Portpatrick, and thence go to Ireland. While in Glasgow, Sir Henry was requested to accept of a public dinner, and invited by the Magistrates to dine with the corpora- tion; hoth of which he was, from his limited stay, tinder the necessity of declining, but promised, ;haul(' he return by Glasgow, to avail him- self of these compliments.

A public dinner was given last week by a number of the electors of Perth, to Mr. Oliphant, of Condie, Member for the city, as a mark of their approbation of his conduct in Parliament. Provost Pringle was in the chair.

The representation of Berwickshire is vacant by the death of Mr. Marjoribanks.

There are now not less than fifty thousand artisans engaged through- out Scotland in the manufacture of shawls from Cashmere, or the Thi- bet goat. The yarn, however, for this purpose, is at present obtained front France.—Edinburfat Evening Courant.