7 DECEMBER 1833, Page 9


The Duke of Wellington, the Earl of Carlisle, and Sir Robert Peel, are all named for the office of Chancellor of the University of Oxford, upon the decease of Lord Grenville, who still lingers without hope of recovery. [Have the Church and King party forgiven Sir Robert Peel for his treachery to their cause ? can they trust him again ?]

A report is prevalent that the King intends creating three Irish Dukes, and that the following noblemen are to be raised in the Peer- age,—IVIarquis Wellesley, as Duke of Dublin ; the Marquis of Lans- downe, as Duke of Kerry ; and Earl Fitzwilliam, as Duke of Rock- ingham.—Morning Herald.

Sir Joshias Rowley is about to proceed to the Mediterranean, as Commander-in-Chief of the British fleet on that station, in the room of Sir Pulteney Malcolm, who is coming home.

Orders have been issued to suspend recruiting for the King's forces, preparatory to bringing each regiment fifty men below its complement, as was the case in 1828, 1829, and 1SCO; by which a reduction of several thousand men will be effected without difficulty or expense. Thus, Sir Henry Parnell's advice is acted upon at last.

The exportions of silver to the Continent go on very extensively. It appears by authentic returns, that during the week between the 21st and 28th ult., 911,444 ounces of silver were exported to Calais and to Lisbon. The quantity of gold exported within the same period was only 700 ounces.—Times.

On Saturday, St. Andrew's day, the annual anniversary dinner of the London Scottish Hospital was celebrated at the London Tavern, Sir L. Shadwell (in the absence of the Duke of Gordon, President) in the chair. From the report read by the Secretary, it appeared that the in- stitution, established in the time of James the First and chartered by Charles the Second, steadily progresses in usefulness. During the last year, not less than two hundred and fifty Scotchmen were relieved, and two hundred and forty sent back to their native country.

A proclamation for the further prorogation of Parliament will ap- pear in Tuesday night's Gazette; and on the following Thursday it will be :prorogued, with the usual ceremony, in the House of Lords, and a day appointed for its meeting for the despatch of business.