7 DECEMBER 1839, Page 3

Mr. John Attwood, so well known for his counexion with

the me- morable ease of Small and Attwood, has purchased Highlands, the seat of Mr. Ltdemehere, near Chelmsford ; and. the Reformers of Essex, - being on the tint vire, have fixed their eye on him. as a man who would not object to spending 10,000/. in an election contest for the county at the first oppot;unity.--C/obe. [But is Mr„!it; wood a " Tb eformer A blermau l'honteom has become the pureltaser of the valuable estate if ugh Cirize Hell, ie I »derbarrow. Tile Honourable Alderman I::- pnrelete1 -'1:'' lit tide within the last four-

tt :teeele. :•: the eeeluet oe mare .10,0u;17., in ad lltion to the

r exaensive landed property which he was in

pateee..el: :1 :. ,.0, all in the county of We st, in ore! and.— Wcstmorekind Gutz.:-■1, .

rflic a dinner at illacklmra on the 27;11 ultimo; when Mr.