7 DECEMBER 1839, Page 5

A paper, signed " W. L. Maherly, Seeretary," has been

issued from the General Post-office. stating wilt more precision than the former notice. the alteration which commenced on Thursday the 5th instant, in the rates of postage— The system of elmrging litters by enclosures is abolished; all letters, there- fore, whether General Post, Poreirn, or Colonial, with the exceptiou of local

penile-post letters, and of the louid letters passing through the Dublin and Loudon and local poets, will be charged by weight, according to the following scale.

On letters not exceeding half an ounce, there svill he taken one rate of postage.

On letters above half an ounce, and not exceeding one ounce, two rates of postage. On letters above one ounce, and not exceeding two ounces, four rates of postage. On letters above two ounces, and. not exceeding three ounces, six rates of postage. On letters alcove three ounces, and not exceeding four ounces, eight rates of postage. And so on in proportion. Postmasters should hear in mind, however, that after the first ounce in the annexed scale no distinction is made between the ounce rind a fraction of an ounce. A letter, for instance, which turns the ounce weight, is liable to four rates of postage, and a letter weighing a fraction alcove two ounces is liable to six rates of postage, and so on. This regulation, however, will not affect the mode of charging French rates on letters to or from France, and through France, as the present system of charging French rates on such letters must continue in force, viz, a single French rate for each quarter of an ounce, exclusive.

Tim single rate of inland posatee on all General Post letters 'transmitted: let; -en places iii the United KinaTiono will be the uniform rate of 4d, except in those cues where the letters :ire at present snbject to lower rates than the sum sp, cified, and except in the COFC of fortign letters transmitted by packet ; on which the rates of inland postage at present taken must be cuntmued, although the charge must be calculated in both cases by weight, as before mentioned, and not by enclosure. No inland rate of post:Ile will le taken on letters between the British 'West Italic's and the United Kingdom, or on those between Gibraltar, Malta, the Ionian Islands, and the United Kingdom. This last description of letters must, however, be addressed " rid Falmouth," or they will otherwise become subject to the present inland rates, as they will be forwarded through France, and be treated as foreign letters. As the rate to and from North America already is an uniform rate of one shilling for a single letter, the rate of postage on letters conveyed by packet between the United Kingdom and ali the British Colonies, (with the exception of letters to the East hulk's, whit-it are to be charged when they are sent or received rid Falmouth 2.3. Mi as at present,) will be an uniform single rate of one shilling, advancing on all ktttrs exceeding half an ounce according to the scale of weight already laid down.

No penny-postage will hereafter be charged upon letters passing through the General Post, except on those which are franked; franks, however, will still be liable to the keel rates of a pennv or twopence, as at present, when passing through penny posts in the count re, er the local posts of London and Dublin. The additional rates heretofore chargeable on letters conveyed by the route of the Menai and Conway Bridges, that of Milford and Waterfowl, and the additional haltjlenny on letters conveyed by snails in Scotland, will be abolished. No letter which is not franked, or whiel; shall not be either despatched by or addressed ton public department on the public service, shall be forwarded when above the weight of sixteen ounces, witk the exception of those from Foreign countries or the Colonies, addressed to the United Kingdom, whether they shall arrive by packer or by private ship, and deeds and Parliamentary pro- ceedings when addressed to the Colonies to be forwarded by packet. The letters will be detected according to their address, but at the rates of to which they will be liable by the scale before given. With respect to d 5 and Parliamentary proceedings, they will be treated according to the existing regulations, and will be charged with the rates they are at present liable to, except where those rates are higher than they would be under the new system. Parliamentawv in above sixteen ounces within the United kingdom will he treatea m a similar manner. Letter evidently intended to be franked, but which have become liable to postage by wrong date, &c. must

he forwarded, eveh if above the weight of sixteen ounces, but at the rates already laid down. All letters exceeding the weight of an ounce (with the exception of letters addressed to France) must have the postage paid in advance. Should the postage not be paid in advance, the letters must be charged with double the rates to which they would otherwise be liable. The charge on letters transmitted by private ship between the United King- dom and places beyond sea, (with the exception of the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, and places within thd limits of the East India Company's charter,) will also be taken by weight according to the cede before given. The single rate of postage on stoat letters will be 8d. when posted or delivered at the part of departure or arrival, and Is. when posted or tlelivered at other places within the United Kingdom. The rates of 8d. and l.will apply also to letters be- tween this country and China. The rates on letters conveyed loe private dill): between the Unit el Kingdom and countries comprieed within the lintite of the Feta India Company's charter, will be the present uniform rate for sea-postat of 24. outwards, and 4d. inwards, for letters not exceeding the weight of three ounces, %viten posted or delivered at the ports of departure ur ie.a reepectively ; beyond that weight, an uniform rate of Is. per ounce will be taken as s...a-postage. 'When, however, such letter:, are poeted or dslieural et any teller place than the port of' arrival and departure, they will be liable to the charge of inland postage, calculated according to tile new Seale of weight, in addition to the sealeatage before mentioned. Letters transmitted by lira' tie ships between places within the Felted King- dom, must be treated in the same manner as General laat letters forwarded by

the regular mails between t ,ach pieces, and elettamel teal' the same rates of post- age according to the stale of weight before ball thorn. Letters conveyed by private ships between Strait Britain aild the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, must he treated in a similar loan ner.

All letters that cannot be forwarled owing to their exceeding the prescribed weight, must be sent to the De.id Letter Office, In acconhmee with the existing regulations.

The Morning Pusi gives the following list of charges for letters of any weight under eixtetta ounces.

a. ii.

Weight not exceelling 1 ounce 0 4 ditto o 1


0 8 ditto o 2 It I 4 ditto o 3 o 2 0 ditto

5 f

4 u 2 8 ditto




3 4 ditto

, f

6 ,t 4 0 ditto




4 8 ditto




5 4 ditto o 9 o 6 0 ditto

1 9 10

o 6 8 ditto o 11 o 7 4 ditto


12 o 8 0 ditto It J3 o 8 8 ditto


11 o 9 4 ditto o 15

99 10 0


, 9

16 o 10 8