7 DECEMBER 1839, Page 6

Mr. Jaudon, the agent in .London for the " has

issued circulars, with the monthly return annexed,

November. of its "assets and liabilities." The following culars of this latter doemnent.

United Stales" Bank, for the 1st of are the parti- nrroar OF THE BANE or THE UNITED STATES ASSETS. Dollars. Fon NOVEMBER 1839. Dollars.

Bills discounted on personal security... 20,773,945 93

Bills discounted on Bank Stock 149,076 0

Bills discounted WI other security 13,568,048 98

Bills of Exchange 4,521,669 00

39,013,640 81

Loan to Commonwealth 491,000 0 Pennsylvania 5 per Cents. 1-3

3,072,050 52 Stock Account

13,422,074 34 Bond and Mortgage

313,627 13 Meal Estate

907,812 56 Banking-houses

592,090 36 Miles King, late Navy Agent, Noifolk

40,144 17 Due by the United States

5,267 32 Balance due by State Banks 4,619,947 74 Notes of State Banks 2,350,838 87 Specie 1,748,282 44

66,576,776 26 LIABILITIES.

Capital Stock 35,000,000 — Dividends unclaimed 60,516 80 Agency London, tee. 8,408,652 53 Bond to the United States 1,986,589 04 Interest on Bond to the United States 134,094 76 Depositors 3,192,371 70 Treasurer of the United States 11,337 54 Circulation State Bank 567,046 90 Cirenletion Bank of' the United States and Branches -1,932,3:13 58 Circulation Post-notes 7,0111,643 18 Resulting Balance due to Bank of the United States

• and Branches 498,130 56 Surplus 4,869,009 67

66,576,776 20 The circular itself is in these terms. " 'AU TALE SHAREILOLDEBS /N THE BANK OP TEE UNITED STATES. " Joel in 4th Dettenther 1839, " Centlemen—Ilerewith I hand you a copy of It condensed statement, which I liftve received from the Battle of the United States, of its assets and liabilities on the 4111 ultimo-

" Special Committee, con,i,ting of five members of the Board of' Di- rectors, was appointed on tile 12th of November to examine into the situation of the Bank. On the 15th of November, the day befbre the sailing of' the Great Western steamer, they made a report flea the limited thne allowed them peerheled an investigation of all the items of the account, and that they

therefore directed their at to the least perspicuous items, viz. Dollars.

" The Bills discounted on other than personal secu- rity (A), amonuting to 13,568,948 98 " The Stock aceounts (B), mounting to 4,619,947 74 13,422,074 31 " And the Balance due bv State Banks (C)

The Committee estimated the probable loss on these items as follows— A 475,077 62 " B, including 375,000 dollars subscribed under the Chater, the loss on WhiPli forms. a part of the bonus paid to the State 9,833,531 10 " C. considered good.

" Time other items 'had, however, been investigated by the 'Committee on the state of' the Bank,' a Standing Committee of five directors, who estimated the probable loss on the remainder of the bills discounted to be ' less than 1.000,000 dollars,' and mem the tel estate and banking houses 300,000 dollars. All the remaining assets were considered good. " Time following is given ime the result-

" A. Surplus, as sliown by the statement " Probable gain on the circulation of the late Bank, estimated at 6011,0110 dollars in the Report of the

Commissioners of the United States " ' Interest averued on Debts considered good, but not yet charged on the books " Deduct losses estimated A 475,077 62

9, If ft „ B

2,833,531 10

/9 Bills discounted

1,000,000 00 Real estate 3(1(4,000 00 Probable surplus beyond the capital of' 35,1100,000 dollars 1,071,004 34 It should be recollected, that the boilus of 2,500,000 dollars paid in cash for the charter has already been charged to the surplus fund, and that if this sum had been distributed in annual payments over the whole period of the charter, as was done by the late Bank of the .United States, this fund would slam! 2,000,000 higher than it now does.

" It may not be unimportant to the shareholders to know, that it is the Practice of the Bank to seed all its monthly statements to the Government at the end of the year, in time to be laid be laid before the Legislature, and that this practice has never been objected to la, the State authorities.

" I am, very respectfully, your obedient humble servant, " S. JAUDON, " Agent of the Blink of the United States.'" • D.Ilars.

4,869,001) 67 300,000 0 510,603 39 5,6711,613 6 4,608,608 72