7 DECEMBER 1850, Page 8



The unexpected pacific news from Germany produced a considerable im- provement in the prices of the Government Securities. The opening price of Consols on Monday was per cent higher than the closing quotation of Sa- turday, and during the week a still further advance took place ; Consols for Money having been as high as 97f--a rise of I per cent from our last quota- tions. A reaction from this point warred; after being at 97j the price again improved, and the closing quotation of this afternoon is 97} .1 for Money and 97/ for the Tanury Account. The business transacted' 3I/S3,1)e 011.111101W inipaistenti their:v*1%1d 41 though' awe of tho specu- litters who hadAsititl tinticipatien of, a. fall have Como into the mar- ket as buyers in order to close their accounts, there is still. a consider-

Ole quantity. of,,,fkuiting Stock. Money. is .c neatly more in de- d; ths nueumura rate at the Bank of being 21 per cent.

premi,m0.4,Exiliequer Bills has declined about as. ; some days they 54t. premium. The rates of the Fereign Exchanges are withoutnig:tend ekange : on. Paris, rather lower - on Hamburg, the ILITT Terice poticed last week has not been supported ; Amsterdam, a trifle higher. -The boats 'for the lanuitty Dividends' will close ' and reopen as. under.


Three per CeutCensole,Manaldat, 12th peeember Thursday, 16th January. 'New•Frve per Cents

Ditto Tuesday, 14th January Three per Cents, 1726.

InEtiter.rgifelks .ThuradaY;16th January

With the improvement of the English Funds on Monday an advance in almost all the Railway Shares took place. A reaction ensued when the traffic-returns of the last week became known, (those returns being gene- rally unfavourable) ; bat the depression was not of long duration and the closing prices of this afternoon are as high as any that have been reached during the week ; the advance may be stated at from 11. to 2/. upon all the more important Shares.

SATURDAY Two o'CLocx. The English Funds close at an advance of 1 per cent upon the morning's prices, without the occurrence of any business of important*. In the Foreign Market, Mexican Bonds are firmer, some interest being attached to the anti- cipated arrival of the packet on Monddy, and speculation upon the character of the expected intelligence having induced some purchases of Stock. The other current varieties are without material change. The advertisement of the payment of the dividends upon the Portuguese Bonds has caused a slight advance in the nominal quotation of the Stock. The Railway Share Market is improving ; the principal advance is in Lancashire and Yorkshire, which have risen about 21. ; Great Western are also higher, being at 74 ; Caledonian are lower. The following are the prin- cipal bargains recorded—Aberdeen, 101 ; Bristol and Exeter, 72 ; Caledonian, 9/ 1 f 1; Chester and Holyhead, 15116 ; Eastern Counties, 61 1 ; Ditto New Preference 6 per Cent, 11; East Lancashire, 101 11; Edinburgh and Glas- gow, 251; Great Northern 154i; Great Southern- and-Western, (Ireland,) 39) ; Great 'Western, 743i 4; Hull and Selby, 98 ; Lancashire and York- slure, 54 /f 1 1 ; Ditto 1 ins, 41; London and Blackwell, 71; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 85 ; London and North-western, 120 191 ; Lon- don and South-western, 711 2} ; Ditto New 501., 28; Midland, 441; Ditto 501. Shares, us 1; North British, M 8 71; North Staffordshire, 91; South- eastern and Dover, 201 1 1 ; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 171 1; York and North Midland, 231 11 1 1; Ditto Preference, 81; Boulogne and Amiens, 7/ ; Central of France, (Orleans and Vierzon,) 151; Northern of France, 14f ; Paris and Strasbourg, 81; Rouen and Havre, 9j; St. John del Rey, 161.

8 per Cent Consols 97 Danish 3 per Cents 74 7 Ditto for Account 97 Dutch 24 per Cents 564 74

' 1 per Cent Reduced 98 Ditto 4 per Cents 88 4 34 per Cents 98 Mexican 5 per Cents 1816 ... Igi Li

Long Annuities 74 1 16 Peruvian 6 per Cents Bank Stock — Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842. 34 4 Exchequer Bills 64 67 pm. Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824 81 3 ex d. India Stock shut Russian 5 per Cents 107 9

Brazian 44 per Cents lg 85 7 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 18 Be

87 9 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 39 ilian 5 per Cents Chili= 6 per Cents 101 103 Venezuela 30 Danish 5 per Cents 98 100


The English Funds are without change, the price of Consols being the same as at the close of business yesterday-971 both for Money and Ac- t. Hitherto the transactions of the morning have been unimportant. Tench Funds fell slightly in Paris yesterday, where the last price of the Five per Cents was 94.40; the Foreign Funds are consequently not quite so firm, though but little business has occurred in them. The Railway Share Market is firm, with but few transactions.