7 DECEMBER 1850, Page 8



"1. The pacification of Holstein by Austrian troops will not take place. A Prussian and an Austrian commissioner will meet two commissioners ap- pointed respectively by Denmark and Holstein for the purpose of effecting a peace between Denmark and the Duchies. The first prince les of this peace are—that the authority of the Sovereign shall be restored ' • that Holstein shall remain part of the Germanic Confederation ; and that Schleswig shall not be incorporated with Denmark, but on the contrary it shall remain in its former union with Holstein. All other disputable points are left to the 'Free Conferences.' If the Stadtholders should refuse to make peace on these terms, -Holstein will be occupied by a corps of Austrian troops, acting in the name, not of the Frankfort Diet, but of Austria and Prussia.

"2. The Hessian question will be settled by the evacuation of Ilene by both the Austrian and Prussian troops. It will be left to the Elector to come to terms with the Assembly of Estates, and thus to restore the legal state of his country. If an understanding cannot be effected in this way, the country will be occupied by Austrian troops acting as the Elector's aux- iliaries, (that is to say not as Federal troops,) in the same manner as Prue- sum forces at one time acted for the Grand Duke of Baden ; and in this case the mediation will be undertaken by a Prussian and an Austrian commis- sioner.

"3. In the question of the German Constitution it has been agreed that Austria and Prussia shall act on a footing of perfect equality. The Free conferences will create a central organ, which is to be composed of the former votes of the lesser Confederation; and the Federal Pact shall be subjected to a revision. The executive power in this Confederation will be- long to Austria and Prussia alone. Austria reserves its declaration as to which of its provinces will enter this new Confederation, in which there will

Pa which.provides that for such purposes the assent of the Central be no popularrepresentation. With respect to article 11th of the Power s all be indispensable, the States will be authorized to form separate

leagues. "4. All the German States are to take part in the Free Conferences, which will be opened at Dresden in the course of this very month. "6. The Prussian 'army, as well as the Federal troops, will for the present remain on a war footing.

" B. The transactions of the Federal Diet will cease. The Federal Diet has no vote on any of the above questions."

Accounts from 'Vienna and from Paris make but two modifications in the above terms : those from Paris stating, that the intervention in Hol- stein, if made, is to be by a "Prussian corps with the Federal [Austrian rather] troops" ; and those from Vienna, that the " Prussian and Austrian armaments are to be withdrawn."

Telegraphic reports from Berlin to the evening of the 4th instant state, in scarcely more words than facts, that in his speech to Parliament Baron Manteuffel had declared that the objects of war were not to be purchased at the cost of fifty or sixty thousand lives in the first campaign ; that the Lower House had assumed a hostile attitude, and been told by Baron Manteuffel, so long as the King upheld him he would not quit his posi- tion ; that Baron Ladenberg, the remaining Minister in favour of war, had resigned ; and that the King had adjourned the Parliament till the 3d January 1851. This step had made a profound impression, and cre- ated some apprehensions as to the tranquillity of the capital.