7 DECEMBER 1867, Page 1

The new Bishop of Lichfield is to be Dr. Selwyn,

now Bishop of New Zealand. We have discussed the appointment, which, in spite of our cordial dislike to Dr. Selwyn's Church principles, we heartily approve, elsewhere. The new Bishop is a Cambridge man, was educated at St. John's College, Cambridge, where he took a first-class in the classical tripos of 1831, spent a consider- able time in the parish of Windsor, and was created Bishop of New,Zeeland in 1,841, when he was but thirty-two years of age, and has worked hard there for twenty-five years. He took a very active part in the recent Anglican Synod, being one of the fiercest against Dr. Colenso, and the Bishop of St. David's who objected to the introduction of the Natal question into the Con- ference. Dr. Selwyn is still a vigorous man, and will do much good, if he Will remember that Church theories which delighted Maories are not so likely to impress Englishmen, and that even a Colonial Bishop who has not watched the development of Church, controversies of late years in England, would be none the worse for deferring in some degree to the matured wisdom of prelates a great deal more learned, and perhaps in some things wiser than himself.