7 DECEMBER 1867, Page 3

The "Church Conference" (Evangelical) met last week, 600 .strong, at

Willis's Rooms, and decided on raising 50,000/., "to enable the Council to assist parishioners who may apply to them ior advice and expenses of appeals to the Law Courts, undertaken :for the purpose of ascertaining the law on any point involving Romanizing doctrines or Ritualistic practices." Mr. Colquhoun -took the chair, and the meeting, which was very animated, and Ivry little disposed to what one of the speakers called (in xeference, we believe, to a saying of Archdeacon Denison's at St. James's Hall), "that nasty little virtue called prudence," :seemed cordially disposed to persecute the High Churchmen, rather than let the High Churchmen have their way. If 50,000/. is really to be spent in litigation, it will undoubtedly break up the national Church of England, and this is what everything now -seems to tend to. Is it impossible for Parliament to apply a remedy ?