7 DECEMBER 1867, Page 3

The Times' correspondent at Vienna reports that a new creed

is spreading fast in Hungary, but does not very clearly describe its tenets. Its followers call themselves Nazarenes, appoint no priests, refuse to baptize their children, swear no oaths, reject the sacra- mental theory of marriage, and are accused, apparently, of uphold. dug a community of women. This is uncertain, and the sect are said to resemble the Quakers, leading orderly, sober, and industrious lives, forming strictly united communities, but keeping themselves and their proceedings carefully from the public. The name of the founder is not known, but the sect spreads rapidly among the poor, and acts, it is understood, upon some Communistic idea. Its pro- bable origin is the teaching of some Americanized German fami- liar with Moravian ideas, but the members are generally pure Magyars.