7 DECEMBER 1901, Page 1

The welcome home accorded by the City of London to

the Prince and Princess of Wales which took place on Thursday proved in every sense of the phrase an un- qualified success. The enthusiasm of the crowds and the splendours of the City's hospitality made a fitting ending to a most memorable Imperial episode. Unquestionably the best speech delivered at the breakfast was that of the Prince of Wales. Not only was it extremely, well delivered, but the whole tone and temper of the speech was of the happiest. We can give it no higher praise than by saying that it was the speech of a great Englishman. The speech rang true in every word, and Lord Rosebery paid the Prince of Wales no conventional compliment when he spoke of its statesmanship, for statesmanship marked it throughout. Yet it was no studied and elaborate essay on the Empire, but was simple, frank, and minlji from first to last. Above all, it was entirely free from that vanity and egotism which are apt to disfigure the speeches of even the ablest of Royal personages when they have been taught to believe themselves the authors of national greatness, and are not as are our Royalties, Sovereign and Princes alike, proud to con- sider themselVes rather as Royal co-operators in the common

cause of adding to the well-being, strength, and happiness of the Motherland.