7 DECEMBER 1901, Page 16


[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] StE,—When cutting up the first volume of Tait's Eel;nburgh :Magazine, 1834, for our " Oxford English Dictionary," I came on the following advertisement of the Spectator. Thinking that it may interest some of your readers, and in remem- brance of my long friendship with Richard Holt Hatton, whbm I first knew at University College in 1841, I send you the advertisement in the hope that you will reprint it.—I THE SPECTATOR, a London Weekly News- -a- paper, of an Extra Size, Price Is.


It combines the character of a Reporter of all Events, with that of a Reporter upon all Measures.

It not only collects, but it analyses all the Topics of the Day. When great affairs come under discussion, it seta to work its very extensive means to put together, in the most interesting form, all the information that is to be had. For instance, in

the case of Reform, it compiled with much labour, and at con- siderable cost, its Anatomy of the House of Commons ; when New Taxes were to be proposed, the Analysis of the existing Taxation; at the General Elections, Tabular Returns, showing, beforehand, how the Divisions would fell, and in what ratio the Numbers and Property of the Reformers exceeded those of the other party. On the Rejection of THE Rua. by the Lords, the Anatomy of the Peerage, with its various lists of Places, Pen- sions, Offices, dec., &c., &c.

The Spectator is edited with a view to Family Circulation. There is food for every palate. There is News for the Old Lady, Literature and Fine Arts for the Young One ; the Father of the Family is presented with every subject that relates to his Interest, national or individual, discussed or reported ; while the pursuits, tastes, and pleasures of his Sons (if they be rational) are as zealously catered for.

This comes, first, of the great size of the paper, next of its plan, and, next of its principle of condensation.

There is no class to which the Spectator can come wrong ; it Is as well adapted for the Farmer as the Fine Gentleman, for the Mechanic as the Publicist, the Tradesman as the Magni- trate or Clergyman.

The Spectator is not merely a Weekly Paper, it is also a Sun- day Instructor; while it embraces all that has happened during six days, it is more original and various in fresh matter, than the daily papers of any one day taken together.

The Spectator is not a party paper, its politics are national. It has striven earnestly for Reform, because Reform has become a National Cause ; but even on this exciting question its im- partiality is proved, for the sinister biases of the Reformers are as carefully looked to as those of the Anti-Reformers.—See the Anatomy of both Houses.

The Spectator is higher priced than some other papers, because it costa the proprietors more, and there is more for the reader's money. No expense is spared upon it ; and the efforts that are made to insure as near an approach to a perfect paper as possible are unceasing.

All that the proprietors ask (and perhaps their services in the public cause entitle them to claim it) is, that it may be TRIED vas • raw wax's, by such persons as desire a copious Journal of the World's Proceedings for a week, put into their hands every Sunday morning. OFFICE Of the SPECTATOR, 9 Wellington Street, Strand, London.

The Spectator arrives in Edinburgh, every Monday, at half- past two o'clock, and may be had of WILLIAM TArr, Bookseller, 78, Prince's Street ; of W. R. NE'Pars, Bookseller, Trongate, Glasgow ; and of all Booksellers, Newsmen, and Clerks of the Road.