7 DECEMBER 1901, Page 2

But President Roosevelt is not so foolish as to think

that a doctrine fraught with such tremendous consequences can rest upon air. Re therefore calls for a strong Navy in order to guarantee, secure, and enforce the Monroe doctrine. "The Navy offers the only means of making our insistence on the doctrine' anything but a: subjett of derision fo whatever nation chooses to disregard it We desire the peace which comes -as of right to the just man armed, not the peace granted On terms of ignominy to a craven and weakling It is unnecessary to increase the Army, but to- keep it at the highest point of efficiency a General Staff should be created." That is, we need not say, nothing but common-sense. We believe that the Americans are perfectly right in insisting upon the maintenance of the Monroe doctrine as essential to their welfare, and we would, if we had the power, accept the doctrine, and in the most binding way possible pledge our- selves to observe it But though tve 'see that the Monroe doctrine is good for -us and America, and also for the peace of the world, we are quite sure that it will net be willingly acquiesced in by the Continental Powers.' They will never admit it in theory, and will only acquiesce in it in practice as long as America is strcmg enough. at sea to -enforce it.