7 DECEMBER 1901, Page 26

Scale of (thaws for librertisements.

ODYsIDE Pena (when available), Twstvz Gutrisas.

rage £10 10 0 I Narrow-Column .6 10 0

Half-Page 6 6 0 Half-Column 1 15 0

Quarter-Page 3 12 6 Quarter-Column 0 17 6 COMVA.NiEs.

Outside Page £14 la 0 l Inside Page El! 12 0 Five lines (45 words) and under in broad column (half-width), 158. : and Is. a line for every additional line (containing on an average twelve words). Narrow column, one-third width of page, 78. an inch. Broad column, ball-width of page, 100. an inch. Across two narrow columns, two-thirds width of page, 143 an inch. Broad column following "Publications of the Week," 138. an inch. Displayed Advertisements according to space. Teresa: net.