7 DECEMBER 1901, Page 2

A detailed' statement of her visit to Africa, and her

sub- sequent arrest and. deportation, was sent to Wednesday's papers by Miss Emily Hobhouse. While denouncing' the action of the responsible authorities as tyrannical and law- less, Miss Hobhouse makes no general complaint of the mode inivhich their subordinates carried out their orders, to which she offered a passive resistance. Lord- Hobhouse accompanies his niece's statement with a lettei in which he states that "every reasonable 'effort, will be made to bring this case to the calm arbitrament of law," a statement to Which further significance Was lent "by the subsequent announcement that Lord Hobhouse had instructed his solicitors to bring an action against Lord Kitchener, Lord Milner. and the officers employed in his niece's removal for fake iinprisonreent and assault. It is entirely satisfactory that Lord ifobhonse, whose opinions are entitled to the resPect due to a man of his learning and distinction, should eihibit the cdurage of his opinions by testing the legality Of time proceedings. As for Miss Hobhouse, While Cordially deprecating the unchivalrous tone of many of her assailants in. the Press, we cannot think that her statement is calculated to enhance her reputation for dignity or tactfulness.