7 DECEMBER 1907, Page 18

Disquieting news comes from Natal of serious native unrest in

Zululand. The Government have hitherto maintained an attitude of extreme reticence ; but in view of the nature and extent of their preparations—the proclamation of martial law in Zululand, the mobilising of all the First Reserves throughout the Colony, and the hurried despatch of the Natal Mounted Rifles to Ginginhlovo—it is clear that they regard the situation as serious. Recruiting is being vigorously carried on, and all leave has been stopped for the garrisons of Bloem- fontein, Hanismith, and Standerton. Dinuzulu, the chieftain who was allowed to return to Zululand after the last outbreak, is regarded as the focus of sedition, and is alleged to be sending emissaries throughout Zululand, Natal, Swaziland, Basutoland, and Pondoland to stir up revolt. On the other hand, he is stated to have telegraphed to the Government expressing surprise at the preparations, and professing his readiness to stand his trial at Pietermaritzburg. A telegram from Durban in Friday's papers states that the first object of the troops will be to garrison Eshowe and Melmoth, and that an ultimatum will then be issued to Dinuzulu. If this is defied, it is probable that more troops will be required.