7 DECEMBER 1912, Page 11

The Life of an Elephant. By S. Eardley-Wilmot, K.C.I.E. Illustrated

by Iris Eardley-Wilmot. (E. Arnold. 7s. 6d. net.) -The charm of Sir S. Eardley-Wilmot's narrative of the typical life of an elephant is reinforced by Miss Iris Eardley-Wilmot's vigorous and dainty sketches. The author knows his subject intimately, and makes his reader feel that he can interpret animal thoughts as an animal and not as a human being thinks them, which is not a common achievement among writers of stories with animals as heroes. In addition to the pen-and-ink sketches there are some admirable photographs of Indian scenes, particularly one of a cobra poised in broad sunlight on a sandy plain.