7 DECEMBER 1912, Page 12

Romance end Legend of Chivalry. By A. R. Hope Moncrieff.

(Gresham Publishing Co. 7s. 6d. net.)—The opening portion, about one-third, of this book gives us a sketch of the history of romance as it grew in prose and verse until it gave way to pastoral poetry and the beginnings of the modern novel. Then follow snore particular accounts of the legendary and historical ballads which grew up round the three great centres, Arthur and the Round Table, Charlemagne, and, closely connected with Charle- magne, Roland and Oliver. Next there is the Spanish School whose works filled the shelves of Don Quixote. The remainder of the book consists of sixteen Arthurian or other romances told in English prose. The volume is plentifully illustrated by reproduc- tions in colour and monochrome, chiefly of well-known pictures representing incidents of the stories or of chivalry generally.