7 DECEMBER 1912, Page 12

Sir Gawein and the Green Knight. (C. H. Kelly. 3s.

6d. net.) —The Rev. E. J. B. Kirtlan has taken this Arthurian legend from the Cotton MS. of 1360 in the British Museum, and has transcribed it in dignified modern English with a very few archaisms of language. It was well worth while making this excellent story so accessible. Mr. Kirtlan adds an interesting introduction, giving an outline of what is known about the Arthurian romances, and in particular of the legends which grow up round Sir Gawain, who was scarcely given his due by Malory and Tennyson. Mr. Frederic Lawrence supplies a scene in black and -white as a decorative frontispiece. In connexion with these two volumes we may also welcome a new edition of the late Sir James Knowles's The Legends of King Arthur and his Knights (F. Warne and Co., 6s. net). It is illustrated in colour and monochrome by Mr. Lancelot Speed.