7 DECEMBER 1912, Page 19

We trust and believe that this means that instead of

offering some small anneal payment to the individual men which could not but be inadequate, the War Office will give the Territorial

Associations a sum of money per man annually in order that the Associations may spend it on the National Reserve and its equipment. We must reserve detailed criticism till

Colonel Seely's promised announcement of his completed scheme, but we may quote his foreshadowing of the principles on which it will be based :

"The additional funds to be provided will enable the County Associations not only to carry out this allocation of duties and provision of clothing to which I have referred, but to take other measures to maintain and still further increase the efficiency of these soldiers of the King who have already given him such long and loyal service, By this means we shall be enabled to more than fill up the deficiency in numbers of the Territorial Force in time of emergency."