7 DECEMBER 1951, Page 24

Shaw's Letters

SIR,—With the authority of the Public Trustee, and as the principal publishers of Bernard Shaw's works in Great Britain, we are contem- plating, some time during the next live years, the publication of a definitive selection of the letters of Bernard Shaw. We visualise this selection as forming one or more volumes in the Standard Edition of G. B. S.

Mr. Shaw was a very prolific correspondent ; and in order to test the scope and possibilities of our plan, we appeal now to librarians, booksellers and private individuals with knowledge of the whereabouts of Shaw letters to let us know whether, when the time comes, they will kindly collaborate with us in locating material of real importance. • Would persons aware of Bernard Shaw letters in North or South America please communicate with Messrs. Dodd, Mead and Co., 432 Fourth Avenue, New York, 16, Mr. Shaw's principal American publishers.—