7 FEBRUARY 1835, Page 19

Four old friends claim a word of recognition. (1) The

Thirteenth Volume of VALPY'S England; which brings down the history to the end of the reign of GEORGE the Second, and completes HOME and SMOLLETT. The next number will introduce US to Mr. HUGHES ill MS character of continuator. He commences of course with 1760, and is only to close with the present time. (2) The Twelfth Part of the Encyclopcedia of Geography; which completes this elaborate work. (8) TheFourteenth Volume of the Sacred Classics ; containing Archbishop LEIGHTON'S quaint and scholastic Expositions of the Creed, Coln- mandments, and Lord's Prayer; to which PTX SMITH has added an Introduction, the hest part of which is the remarks on the author- ship of the Creed. (4) Part Fifty-eighth of the Ewyclopaqta, tannica ; which is marked both by the importance one variety of its leading papers--Glasgow, Glass, Goethe, Government, and the come mencement of Grammar.