7 FEBRUARY 1846, Page 18


item January Wan to February 5th. BOOKS.

Four Lectures on the Advantages of a Classical Education as an Auxiliary to a Commercial Education. With a Letter to Dr. Whewell upon the subject of his Tract "On Liberal Education." By Andrew ADIOS, Esq., late Member of the Supreme Council of India, Recorder of Nottingham, Oxford, and Banbury, Auditor and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, &c. Velasco. By Cyrus Redding. In three volumes.

Vie Expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. Dido for the Suppression of Piracy;

with Extracts from the Journal of James Es Brooke, q., of Sarawak, (now Agent for the British Government in Borneo.) By Captain the Honour- able Henry Keppel, R.N. In two volumes.

The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Mahnesburr now first collected and edited by Err William blolesworth, Bart. Volumes VII. and XL Thome Hobbes Malrae,sburiensis Opera Philosophica gua Latina scripsit; omnis in unum corpus mac primnm collects, studio et labors Gulielmi Molesworth. Volumes IV. and V.

• Analecta Saxonica. A Selection in Prose and Verse from Anglo Saxon Anthem of various ages; with a Glossary. Designed chiefly for students. By Benjamin Thorpe, F.S.A. A new edition, with corrections and improvements. some years since with a view to facilitate the study of Anglo-Saxon; which, as Lillis volume is a revised and cheaper edition of a work published by Mr. Thorpe the edition has been gradually exhausted, and the work has e a text-book at Oxford, it may be assumed to have accomplished. The scope and character of the publication is pretty well indicated by the title, but the choice and variety of the Specimens can only be apprehended by inspecting the volume. They embrace ex- amples of the principal forms of composition and the principal anthers among our Anglo-Saxon ancestors,—poetry, sermons, translations from the Scriptures, and even a school-book on the Hamiltonian principle. The Glossary supersedes the necessity of quitting the volume in search of an interpreter; but we observe Mr. Thorpe cannot always translate the Anglo-Saxon into modern English with- out a recourse to Latin derivatives.] Hunters and Fishers; • or Sketches of Primitive Races in the Lands beyond the Sea. By Mrs. Percy Sinnett. A Story about a Christmas in the Seventeenth Century. By Mrs. Percy Shmett. Wonderful Stories for Children. By Hans Christian Andersen, Author of "The Improvisatare," Sec. Translated from the Danish by Mary Hewitt. Three pretty little books; and the first two, by Mrs. Shined, contain more matter and pniose than is always found in publications designed for juvenile readers. In Hunters and Fishers there is a rapid description of all the savNe nations of the earth,—the wild Indians of America, the Australians, the Bosjie- men of Southern Africa, the inhabitants of the Arctic regions, and the Polyne- miens ; which last, however, cannot be placed in SO IOW a category 11.,4 the other races. A Story about Christmas in Secenteeoth Century contains some rather interesting sketches daring the Thirty Years' War; and some illustrations of the manners of Germany, if not exactly of that period, yet as like as manners in fictions generally are.] The Novels and Romances of Anna Eliza Bray. In ten volumes. Volume X. " Courtenay of Walreddon."

[This volume completes the collected edition of Mrs. Bray's fictions; but we leave from a postscript, that more are forming in the womb of time,—in part owing to the materials that have been sent to her, teaching the " Romance of the West,'

by persons residing in Cornwall and Devon.] • Tales from Boccacio, with Modern Illustrations; and other Poems. [The author takes some subjects from Boccacio which he uses as a theme to write verses upon, after the fashion of Beppo and Don Juan, though imitating little save the digressions, equivoque, and conceit of the originals. The writer professes to be an Anti-Tractarian, and to write with a pious purpose; but he has scarcely a sense of propriety, much less of piety.] The Borgia*, or Italy in the Fifteenth Century; an Historical Drama. [The political story of Alexander the Sixth and his infamous son Ciesar Borgia told in dramatic verse; the private vices being omitted, at least the most revolting of them.] The Horse's Foot, and How to Keep. it Sound With Illustrations. By William Miles, Esq. [A quarto devoted to the important subject of the horse's speed; since, without a healthy foot, how can he walk, much less gallop? Mr. Miles, who seems an ardent amateur, first gives an elaborate account of the anatomy of the horse's foot, illustrated by plates; then enters into a disquisition on the subject of shoe- ing; and ends by some general remarks on stable-management—strenuously advocating boxes instead of stalls. We cannot pretend to pass a veterinary judg- ment upon the book; but Mr. Miles's expositions are dear, and his conclusions look just.] Arithmetical Questions; comprising a Systematic Course of Mental Arith- metic. By W. Mixed, Master of the Village or Model School, and Master of Method, National Society's Training Institution, l3atterses. Parts I. and II. [ Simplicity and easiness in the questions, progressively proceeding to difficulties seem the principle of these two little publications ; but the second part, devoted to Fractions, has the distinguishing characteristic of impressing the rationale of the subject through the means of the eye, by dividing Imes into unequal parts and letting their relations be demonstrated to the pupil. A tangible suede of impressing arithmetic is also used in the first part] The Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art. By the Editor of " The _Arcane of Science." [Contains the usual selection of the striking facts of the year arranged tuider their respective classes.] The Modern Orator; being a Collection of celebrated Speeches of the most distinguished Orators of the United Kingdom.—Speeches of Lord Erskine. [The plan of this work seems designed to embrace the best speeches of our most celebrated orators. The part before us contains six speeches of Erskine: MUIR orations of Sheridan and Chatham appear to have preceded this part.] The New Timon; a Romance of London. In four parts. Part ILL


The History of England during the Thirty Years' Peace, 1815-1845. By Charles Knight. Part I. [The leading purpose which Mr. Knight proposes to himself in this work, is to describe the progress of human improvement and to narrate the triumphal march of peaceful industry during the last thirty years; in which time greater strides have been made in both, he seems to think, than in any other period of our annals,—thonti he is perhaps making our present position at once a boundary and a test, and by that source of error jumping to erroneous conclusions.

The period, however, is distinguished by two great moral features,—the estate.

lishment of the constitutional power of the:naiddle class by the Reform Act; and the greater consideration which has been given to the moral and physical condi- tion of the lower orders. From the time of Peel's Currency Bill, too, a mare en- lightened economical policy has been gradually forcing its way into the public mind; vast, and till their actual execution almost inconceivable prodigies of ma- terial and mechanical power, have been established, chiefly by the simple and rather vulgar means of-joint-stock companies, and "surplus capital seeking a profitable investment." Lastly, a more tolerant, we might say a more national spirit, has grown up among the people, after the fever, the delusions' and the dis- appointments of the Reform Bill; whilst a more catholic spirit is certainly dis- played by the Government How Mr. Knight handles these topics must be seen at a: much more advanced stage of his work. At present the matter is chiefly preliminary. A very brief glance at the first Congress of Vienna, information that the Hundred Days and Waterloo have occurred,and a review of the final settlement of Europe, clearly described and judiciously estimated, are followed by the Parliamentary contests at home, with the public distress, the agricultural outbreaks, and the manufacturing agitation for Reform, which produced the Six Acts and more irregular exercises ot power. The first part closes with Dec-ember 1816, the month of the Spa-fields riots and the City remonstrance. The power and moral tone of the work thus far are entitled to more praise than what may be termed its literary execution. Events which have been reduced to paper' such as treaties, are comprehensively seized, and presented with conden 'ration. Where the original materials are more scattered, Mr. Knight seems less to condense the whole than to select what is telling and striking. This makes the composition very readable, but imparts to it more of the character of the vigorous article than the weighty history, except in some of the reflections, which

are occasionally of a very remarkable character for their depth and truth.] .

Palestine: Description Geographique, Historique, at Archeologique Par S. Munk, Employe an Departement des blanuscrits de la Bibliothbque Royale. [This constitutes one volume of Didot's valuable series bearing the general title L'Univers Pittoresgue. To M. Munk's book, except luau far as it contains na- merous illustrative engravings' the title is not very applicable; for in him the reflective historian preponderates over the mere picturesque describer.

The first book is devoted to an exposition of the physical and political

geography of Palestine; the second, to notices of the tribes who occupied the country at the time of the Hebrew immigration; the third, to a history of the Hebrew state; the fourth, to the monuments of Hebrew antiquity, and the light they throw on the domestic life, the literature and science, of the people; the fifth, to a history of Palestine and the Jews, from the Babylonish captivity to the de- struction of Jerusalem by the Romans. The appendix contains a sketch of the transactions of which Palestine has been the scene, from the destruction of the Temple to our own day. With the most recent fragmentary but not unimportant intelligence brought from Palestine within these few years by numerous intelligent dilettanti travellers, and with the remits of Captain Symmonds's triangulation and levelling in Syria, M. Munk does not appear familiar. But of the works of all the substantial clas- sical travellers, from the earliest down to Bnrckhardt and Robinson, lie has an intimate knowledge. He is also conversant with the lights which German and French philologists and German historical inquirers have thrown upon the anti- quities of the Hebrews and adjoining nations. His book, though popular in its

structure—attractive to general readers—is a work of solid research and judg- ment.

. •

'11. Munk intimates at the outset, that, writing only about the human events and interests of Palestine, he treats them as merely human, though not with irreligion. His tone preserves a hap medium between the fanciful cre- dulity of Chateaubriaud and the ultra-scepticism of Clarke. We do not remember any manual so well adapted to serve the purpose of a book of reference for those who feel perplexed by the fragmentary historical notices of the sacred writings, and lack time to read and collate for themselves the lengthy disquisitions scat- tered through many folios and quartos.] The Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth. By William Roscoe. In two volumes. Volume L (Bogne's European Library.) The Life and Pontificate vr Leo the Tenth. By WE= Roscoe. Fifth • edition, revised by his son, Thomas Roscoe. In two volumes. Volume L (Bohn's Standard Library.)

The Miscellaneous Works and Remains of the Reverend Robert Hall; with _ a Memoir of his Life, by Olinthus Gregory, LL.D., F.R.A.S.; and a Critical Estimate of his Character and Writings, by John Foster, Author of •

"Essays on Decision of Character," &c. (Bohn's Standard Library.) [These volnmes involve * ease of publishing rivalry, with its statements and counter-statements. Mr. Rogue accuses Mr. Bohn ef copying the form of his "European Library," and out of siz advertised works including/our which Mr.

elasl already either published or announced. Mr. Bohn retorts, that the four works are his own copyright; and "although some of the earlier portions have be- come exposed to wanton appropriation, yet much of what is most valuable, inchi- ding.the last revision of the text, as well as the latest notes and illustrations, still remain his undoubted and exclusive right. The latter have been to some extent pirated by Mr. Bop, and Mr. Bohn is about to seek redress in a court of law for *ha infringement.' Mr. Bohn also charges Mr. Bogue with having copied the form of hie book from an American publication, and with taking the design of the binding from Mr. Owen Jones's work on Moorish ornament; whereas Mr. Bohn has resorted to his own copyright even in this trifling particular.

Be all this as it may, the two editions so closely resemble each other in form, that it le only by their publishers' names or their generic title, that they can be dis- tingaished; though examination will detect a slight difference in the tooling or ornamental stamp of the binding. This resemblance had been better avoided on the part of "Bohn's Standard Library," had it been in nothing but the colour of the canvass, because when it comes to an affair of tricky substitution the best work is likely to suffer the most. The real difference between the two Libraries, when they happen to contain the same work, seems to be this. Bogue's European Library is of necessity printed from an earlier, probably from the first edition, without the advantage of the author's subsequent revisions and illustrations. This has given a little more matter to the Life of Leo the Tenth in the "Standard Library," besides the more obvious advantages. The Miscellaneous Works of Robert Hall is a single publication; and in ad- dition to Dr. Gregory's Life, and Foster's criticism of -his character as a preacher, it-contains Reviews published by Hall in the Eclectic, and the whole of the Ser- mons on political or general topics, including the celebrated Sermons on Infidelity and the Present Crisis (the rupture of the Peace of Amiens). Thus, the general reader has in a single volume the complete works of the great orator which are likely to interest him the most, and that at a less cost than he would pay for a coon selection.] Forest and Game Law Tales. By Harriet Martineau. In three volumes. Volume III.

inighes Penny Magazine. Part I.


Heath's New Gallery of British Engravings. .Part L [A reissue, in numbers, of the illustrations of the Annuals and other embellished publications of Mr. Charles Heath; forming a pretty melange of portraits, views, and scenes, with figures, by English and French artists; the plates engraved by Charles Heath, er under his superintendence; and accompanied with brief de- saiptions.]