7 FEBRUARY 1852, Page 10

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It is said that Mr. Strutt, M.P. for Arundel, has been or will be ap- pointed to the Presidentship of the Board of Trade, vacant by Lord Granville's promotion to the office of Foreign Secretary. It is stated that the Marquis of Lansdowne will be speedily raised to an Irish Dukedom.—Standard.

It is said that in the Militia Bill to be brought before Parliament on the 13th, it will be proposed to enrol this force to the extent of 75,000 men—Daily News.

The Bishop of Durham has appointed his son, the Reverend H. J. Maltby M.A., Rector of Egglescliffe, to the Canonry in Durham Cathedral, vacant the death of the' everend Dr. Durell. We understand this appointment does not prevent Mr. Maltby retaining his living at Eggleseliffe.—Durban Chronicle.

Mr. Taylor has retired from the office of Mineral Surveyor of the Duchy of Cornwall ; and has been succeeded by Professor Warington Smyth, of the Museum of Economic Geology.

The public will be admitted, gratis, to view the House of Lords every Sa- turday during the session, between the hours of ten and four o'clock, by tickets, to be obtained at the Lord Great Chamberlain's office any Saturday, from eleven to four o'clock.

The Paris _Brod states that Mr. W—, an Englishman, is in peril of lasing his sight, from vitriol thrown in his face, on the Boulevards. The English- man seduced the wife of the Spanish Count de L—; the Count has had two duels with him, in Switzerland and Milan, and in both the Spaniard was wounded. He resolved upon surer revenge ; a former servant promised to effect it, and threw the vitriol in the Englishman's face. The Count and his servant were arrested, and have confessed.

M. Cabet, the famous chief of the Icarians, has arrived in town from Paris, a compulsory exile. He was accompanied to the steam-boat at Calais by the police agents.

Intelligence has just reached Amsterdam, that M. Selaeoffler, a young Dutch Catholic missionary in Cochin China, has been put to death for preaching Christianity. He was denounced by the mandarins, arrested, bound hand and foot, conveyed to the capital Hue Fo, and condemned to death by a sort of judicial commission. He was hanged on a very lofty gibbet, More than ten thousand troops attended the execution, to prevent any hostile de- monstration on the part of the numerous Christians of Hue Fo.

The mummy found in the crypt. of St. Stephen's Chapel was examined on Saturday by a deputation from the Antiquarian Society. Mr. Pettigrew and his son, Dr. W. Pettigrew, performed the operation of "unrolling," or taking off the cere-cloths. A series of five thick canvass cloths was removed from the face, and then a second series which was tied with string, and the- countenance was exposed to view. It was in a remarkable state of preserva- tion. The cartilage of the nose was not atcall decayed, and with the lips and other portions of the face remained perfern flexible to the touch. Even the expression of the countenance was retained. From the body ten layers of canvass were removed. The mass of the mummy had become adipose mat- ter. No writing was found. The mummy seemed from the teeth to be that of a very aged man ; it was 8 feet 11 inches in length. The crozier was of oak, with an elaborately carved crook. It iaeurmised that the corpse is that of Lydwolfe, Bishop of St. David's, who died about the middle of the fifteenth century. After the examination, the remains were placed in an elm coffin and screwed down, to be replaced in or near the spot where they were found.

Result of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last—

Ten Weeks Week of 1861-50. of 1851.

Zymotic Diseases

Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of tmeartaht or variable seat: Tubercular Diseases Diseases of the Brain, Spinal Marrow, Nerves, and senses -

Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vessels Diseases of the Lungs, and of the other Organs of Respiration

Diseases a the Stomach, Liver, and other Omuta a Digestion — Diseases of the Kidneys, &c Childbirth, diseases of the 17tersts, Sc Rheumatism, diseases of the Bone, Joints, Sc Diseases of the Skin, Cellular Tissue, Sc

Malformations Premature Birth

Atrophy s

Age Sudden Violence,Privation, Cold, and Intemperanee

Total (including misPeollied causes)

2,079 517 1,769 1,229

2,310 RS 95 108 76 11 so 213 172 726 116 215

10,706 .... ..,„ ..„ .


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215 99 .189 105 35 176. 71 12 10. 7 5

24 31


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