7 FEBRUARY 1880, Page 23


The Imitation of Christ. Fac-simile edition. (Elliot Stock.)— In the notice of this very curious and valuable fee-simile last week, we made a mistake as to the modus operandi. We were under the impression that when the sheets of the original manuscript had been photographed, types were cast representing the written letters. This, however, is not the case. The original manuscript is reproduced by photography, a work of great difficulty and expense, of which the publisher is naturally proud. We do not see its utility ourselves, the words being, in our eyes, important, and not the handwriting in which they were recorded ; and we would rather possess a printed copy, verified by extreme care, such as is used in printing Bibles, than any fac-simile of any Codex. But bibliographers are of a dif- ferent opinion, and to gratify their taste is fair work for printers and binders who feel the artistic side of their trades.