7 FEBRUARY 1880, Page 3

The theory that the 38-ton gun which burst on board

the Thunderer ' was burst by being charged with a second shell and second charge of powder before it had been discharged of its first, has been proved beyond reasonable doubt by the ex- periment of Tuesday, when the twin 38-ton gun was burst, by being fired with a double charge under precisely similar circumstances. After the explosion, the breech only remained on the carriage, "resembling, with marvellous fidelity, its unfortunate companion now being exhibited in the royal gun factories." It is certain, therefore, that the Thunderer's ' gun was reloaded without having gone off, and that the mechanical contrivances for loading do not at present betray the fact that a charge is already there, and is therefore not only not wanted, but most perilous, as well as superfluous.