7 FEBRUARY 1891, Page 1


AREVOLUTION was attempted in Portugal on Satur- day, but it failed. Acting, as they thought, in concert with the Republicans of Lisbon, and supplied with money by the Republicans of Madrid, the 9th Chasseurs, the 10th Infantry, the 20th Fiscal Cavalry, and 150 Foot Guards, broke into revolt in Oporto, seized the Hotel de Ville and the Palace, and proclaimed the Republic, appointing at the same time a Provisional Government, with an advo- cate named De Volga at its head. The mob sided with the insurgents, but the Municipal Guard remained firm, and by a determined charge struck terror into all the insurgents in the streets. A few of them fought, but the remainder fled, and by the afternoon only the Palace remained to be recaptured. 'Two batteries of ar'till'ery having arrived from Lisbon, the building was shelled at once, and by nightfall the "Revolution" was at an end. On the following day, all the Republican papers in Lisbon were suppressed, and on the King riding through the streets unattended, he was wildly cheered by the populace, who, had less energy been displayed, might have ,declared for the Republic. The Royal authority has been "completely re-established, and it is probable that it will not be assailed again for some time, the failure having convinced the Republicans that the mob is untrustworthy, and the Army at most divided. The outbreak has cost nearly two hundred lives in street-fighting, but its failure has probably averted a period of anarchy.